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               how for many years many brilliant
                                                 The Science of
               minds have written about this
               same dream with more skills and
               knowledge that I do here.
               It is also with a smile that I recall  Mantra Chanting

               the many years of exertion and
                                                 By Gemma Perry
               effort applied by so many others
               trying to improve themselves
               under the guidance of the Buddha                                    People often ask me how I found
               and his teachings.                                                  myself studying the science of
                                                                                   mantra chanting and what led me
               We have seen and will likely
                                                                                   to my own mantra practice. The
               continue to see difficulties,
                                                                                   honest answer? Severe depression
               including failure and success. But
                                                                                   and accessing the darkest parts
               this is all part of our growing up
                                                                                   of myself are what led me to the
               process as a human species.
                                                                                   ancient practice of mantra chanting.
                                                                                   Chanting mantras, quite literally,
               Go ahead and practice for your
                                                                                   transformed my life. So, after
               well-being by taking care of
                                                                                   personally experiencing the dramatic
               yourself just as you would wish
                                                                                   effects of mantra, and having seen
               others to take care of themselves
                                                 Gemma scientifically              that many of the benefits can be
               too. Most important is that we
                                                 investigates the psychological    scientifically explained, my focus
               must always reflect wisely by
               asking this question: Is this for   effects of chanting and how     became studying and sharing the
               my well-being and that of others   its positive outcomes can        value of this ancient medicine with
               too? We should extend this open-  impact society. She completed     the world.
               heartedness to our closest circle   her Honours and Masters of
                                                                                   Like many people, I had no idea
               of friends and family. We should   Research in psychology and is
                                                                                   what mantra chanting was or how
               share what we know, organize      now continuing her research
                                                                                   it was going to help me, but I was so
               activities for the benefit of others,   with a PhD at Macquarie
               even if it is a small contribution                                  desperate for a solution to my state
                                                 University in Sydney, Australia.   of depression, that I gave it a try. I
               to benefit others. If we cannot do
                                                 Gemma is a passionate and         found myself chanting in Tibetan,
               all these, at least let us not simply
                                                 engaging communicator             Hebrew, Arabic and Sanskrit with
               criticize others or be an obstacle
                                                 and is currently focused on       whomever, whenever and wherever!
               to them. Every small grain of sand
                                                 sharing and teaching ancient      I had found my medicine! I felt
               counts, just as many small lights
                                                 methods of heightening states     happiness creeping back into my
               will fire up the guiding light we
                                                 of awareness and promoting        life, and I experienced a depth of
               desperately need.
                                                 health and wellbeing.             connection with myself, others and
               We need not despair because                                         nature that I had never even known
               every little effort counts. As the                                  before. I have been practicing
               Buddha advised, let us be a guide                                   mantra chanting (mainly Sanskrit)
               to ourselves, a lamp to ourselves,                                  for over 10 years now, and on the
               so that we can shine and help                                       science side of things, I am currently
               others shine brighter every day.                                    doing my PhD at Macquarie
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