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University, investigating the cognitive and emotional languages such as Sanskrit are said to be more effective
effects of mantra meditation. due to their vibration, however, most sounds could have
some effect on the Parasympathetic Nervous System
What is mantra meditation? if chanted aloud. Also, apart from the vibration of the
sound, intention is also an important aspect of mantra
“Mantras are the mind vibration in relation to the chanting. Therefore, if mantras are chanted with devotion
cosmos. The science of mantra is based on the knowledge or intention of the heart, they can be even more effective
that sound is a form of energy having structure, power, than simply just chanted for their sound alone.
and a definite, predictable effect on the human psyche.”
_Yogi Bhajan_ What are the aims and benefits of mantra chanting?
So, what exactly is mantra chanting? Mantra chanting Traditionally, mantra chanting is aimed at achieving
has been practiced for thousands of years in many higher states of awareness and expanding
civilizations all over the world. The practice involves consciousness, also known as enlightenment, Samadhi
focusing on the mantra, which can be a word, sound and Nirvana. These states may be short-term or even
or phrase, and it can be recited aloud, whispered life changing perspectives. In these states, people report
or mentally repeated. Also, we can practice mantra feeling extreme positive mood, decreased capacity to
chanting alone or in a group setting. determine separateness to others and often loss of
memory and concepts such as time and space, making
The word mantra is a Sanskrit word that comes from these experiences difficult to define and measure
two words; manas, which means mind, and tra, which scientifically. However, in these states, an individual
means truth, liberation or tool. Therefore, mantra can see and experience the world without any prior
chanting is said to connect us with our true mind or memories or conditioning. These preconceived ideas
our true selves. Mantra, although a Sanskrit word, can and conditioning are basically what prevents us from
be a sound, word or phrase in any language. Ancient accepting ourselves, others, or our current situation.