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structure or a universal syllabus. has also become commonplace in monitoring, social network support
schools and colleges. and earning Open Badges upon the
Lim Kooi Fong, founder of the course completion.
Buddhist Channel and a strong In view of this, the Buddhist
advocate for systematic Dhamma Channel in collaboration with “Just imagine the potential and
studies, says what’s hampering Bhante Sharvasti Dhammika, the the possibilities of having groups
effective Dhamma propagation is well-known Australian based and Buddhist centres host various
“the basic lack of study skills”. Buddhist monk, writer and teacher, courses of their liking. The
has initiated “ABBi (pronounced workload of preparing materials
“Such sub-standard approach has as Abby) - All About Buddhism is now spread around, no longer
resulted in low quality of Buddhist iLearning”. dependent on any single group of
knowledge, misunderstanding of people,” envisions Kooi Fong.
basic doctrines and a generally ABBi is a self paced, beginners to
poor grasp about who and what the intermediate level guided Learning Learners from anywhere will have the
Buddha represents”, he adds. Management System (LMS). The opportunity to choose and pick what
ABBi LMS is hosted on a virtual courses they want to follow. With the
“Buddhist teachings have an cloud and needs only an online User ABBi guided system, they can monitor
elegant, structured nature. The ID and password to access. Learners their personal progress which is
Buddha was very methodical in access the system free of charge. automatically set by the LMS.
his explanations,” he emphasises.
Kooi Fong says that the Buddha’s Although the first course to For more details please visit: http://
teachings “fits like a textbook” and be hosted on ABBi is Bhante
that “the ancient Nalanda scholars Dhammika’s textbook “All ABout
did it right”. Buddhism”, the system is actually ABBi - a game changer in
open to any groups or Buddhist Dhamma Study
“Because of their scholastic centres who wish to host their own
treatment of the Dhamma, various courses online. ABBi is envisioned to be a major
Buddhist schools grew out of them “game changer for Buddhist
and in turn made Buddhism a global “There are many courses offered by Dhamma Study”, as it is set to be
faith,” he says. various groups or Buddhist centres,” a service provider for any groups
explains Kooi Fong. “The problem or Buddhist centres who wish
Window of opportunity to rectify is when the course leader moves to promote their own learning
weaknesses on, the course usually ends with programmes and to encourage
him/her,” he adds. He also laments, groups to start their own Dhamma
While organizing Dhamma studies “sustainability is an issue. There is Study sessions.
in contemporary Buddhist centre simply no continuity or follow up.”
settings have met many setbacks, For instance, a Tibetan study group
the sudden onset of the global With ABBi however, once the course may wish to put their Lamrin
Covid-19 pandemic has offered an leader/manager is done with syllabus on ABBi. Or a Mahayana
unexpected opportunity. leading the study session in person, temple which actively gets students
they can then put it up online. With to recite various sutras may want
The “new normal” situation forced the course materials now available to put up a quick course on the
by the viral pandemic has enabled on ABBi, future learners can now Lotus or Heart Sutras. And maybe
eLearning to take off. People now are benefit from taking the lessons at that advanced Abhidhamma class,
more adept at using the computer to their own pace, and with added ever ably helmed by a senior monk,
take courses. eLearning in education facilities such as personal progress may want to use ABBi to set up its