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advanced learner programme. attained skills and achievements. I will instruct in a way which does
Learners can then share their open not hurt myself nor others.”
The possibilities are indeed endless. badges with their friends and anyone
who is interested in their attainment. Through its easy-to-use, sustainable
To have the above besome a reality, and cost effective structure, ABBi
ABBi supports the following: A new generation of Dhamma aims to raise the Dhamma Study
• multi-institutions mode (with torch bearers bar through knowledge enrichment,
central management portal) study skills enhancement and robust
• time-controlled exams The Buddhist Channel founder personal and group organization.
• international characters (UTF- believes that ABBi has the capability
8) – meaning it can support to reset the “Dhamma Study Ultimately, what ABBi hopes for is
translations in Chinese, mindscape” and reinvigorate to establish a reasonable cluster
Sinhalese, Thai etc. Dhamma Studies itself. of quality Dhammaduta learners.
• automated generation of These are the heirs of Buddha’s
certificates For one, ABBi is a natural fit for Dhamma, the torch bearers who will
Buddhism’s elegant structure. In continue to spin the Dhamma wheel.
With regards to certification, upon the Anggutara Nikaya (A 3:184),
the completion of any course, the Buddha exhorts others to May the Buddha Sasana ever
learners will obtain an “Open teach Dhamma, thinking, a) I will brightly shine through the efforts
Badge” generated by the system. give instruction that is regulated and discipline of these Dhamma
ABBi’s Open Badge is a type and gradually advanced, b) I will heirs, Buddha’s 21st century torch
of electronic certificate that is instruct using reasoning, c) I will bearers. EH
verifiable, portable and packed with instruct out of kindliness, d) I will
information about the learner’s instruct not for worldly gain and e)
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