Page 56 - EH62
P. 56
it is neither established as a punishment or a reward, moment, self-discipline is the best way of prevention
nor does it necessarily come with a purpose. It could towards breaking the chain of the pandemic.
though, be used as opportunity and/or a burden
depending on how it is approached. Geshe Dadul: Doctrinally speaking, all Buddhas and
bodhisattvas have nothing but the wellbeing of sentient
Some Theravāda temples in Thailand are handing beings dearest to their hearts. All their efforts on the
out talismans bearing images of spirits, sacred path and beyond are inspired, bolstered, and sustained
syllables, and Buddhist symbols as a form of by the sheer dedication and determination to relieve
protective blessings against the virus, while sentient beings of their sufferings and uncertainties
practitioners in Mahāyāna countries chant mantras characteristic of unenlightened existence. Even the
to the bodhisattva Tārā to gain her protection. Are pursuit and eventual achievement of Buddhahood is
there doctrinal justifications for such protective and only a means to serve sentient beings. So, Buddhahood
healing rituals? marks not the end of their journey, rather the beginning
of serving sentient beings in their capacity as Fully
Aggacitta: In the Theravāda tradition, the famous Ratana Awakened Ones now. This may include bestowing
Sutta (KN 1.6) is believed to be efficacious in warding mantras and rituals, etc., but the chief means is always
off calamities caused by evil spirits. The verses in the the teachings. In all of these, sentient beings must meet
sutta extol the virtues of the Triple Gem and each ends their part of the equation to receive the benefit. That is,
with an asseveration of truth for the safety and well- to be open to them and generate trust in them, cultivate
being of the audience. Although the sutta itself does whatever level of the three trainings of morality,
not explicitly state the circumstances under which it concentration, and wisdom one can manage.
was discoursed, the commentary gives lucid details of
how its recitation dispelled the threefold calamities of In the Udānavarga, Buddha says,
famine, disease, and attack by amanussa (non-humans / I have taught you the path
humanoids / human-like things). That puts an end to the miseries of saṃsāra.
Tathāgata shows the path.
This makes me wonder. Has the continual recitation It is now for you to practice.
of this sutta by the faithful in traditional Theravāda
countries like Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand made What Buddhist practices can we apply at this
some contribution to the significantly lower rates of juncture when we are faced with so much
CoVid-19 cases in comparison to other countries? uncertainty regarding our lives, including our
health, job, and loved ones?
Min Wei: In fact, there are numerous sūtras that
mentioned different kinds of rituals and mantras to Aggacitta: Exercise discipline and vigilant mindfulness
pray for protection and healing when we encountered in following the preventive measures recommended by
illnesses or diseases. However, to stop the spread of a the relevant health authorities.
disease, chanting or praying itself is insufficient. We
need to consult a good doctor, take proper medication, 1. Strengthen your immune system by having a
do exercises, eat healthily, and have enough sleep, healthy lifestyle and wholesome eating habits.
among others. 2. Recite Ratana Sutta regularly.
3. Have gratitude for our current situation when we
Thus, we should avoid unscientific methods in coping compare with that of other places much worse off.
with the spread of this dangerous virus. In order to 4. Be continually aware of present activities to develop
protect ourselves and others from Covid-19, we should dynamic composure so that there can be clarity of
follow the guidelines and advice from the World Health mind for decision-making.
Organization and local health authorities. At this crucial