Page 41 - hakka
P. 41


            Ginger Oil Chicken

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            江西鸡       1只(净重1250克)                              1 Jiangxi chicken (net weight 1250 grams)

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            生姜                  300克                           300 grams fresh ginger

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                  3茶匙                            3 teaspoons salt
            食用油(炸制用)           1000克                           1000 grams cooking oil (for frying)

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将新鲜宰杀的鸡清洗干净,均匀涂抹2.5茶匙食                         1.  Clean  the freshly slaughtered chicken thoroughly.
                盐于鸡身内外,腌制两小时。                                     Evenly rub 2.5 teaspoons of salt all over the inside
            2.  生姜去皮,用刀背拍碎剁成姜蓉,用清水清冲洗                             and  outside of the chicken. Let it marinate  for 2
                去淀粉,过滤后,加入半茶匙食盐搅拌均匀,挤                             hours.
                干水分。将锅烧热后加入食用油加热,将姜蓉炸                          2.  Peel the ginger, crush it with the back of a knife and
                成金黄色,捞出沥干油分备用。炸过姜蓉的姜油                             chop it finely into a paste. Rinse the ginger paste with
                保留备用。                                             water to remove the starch, then drain and mix with
            3.  将腌好的鸡放入蒸锅,大火蒸制25分钟,确保熟                            half a teaspoon of salt. Squeeze out the excess water.
                透后取出吊起滴干鸡汁,自然放凉。蒸鸡时留下                             Heat the wok and add cooking oil to heat, deep-fry
                的鸡汁可作为蘸料,增添风味。                                    the  ginger  paste  until  golden  brown.  Remove  and
            4.  将凉透的鸡剁成整鸡块状,刷上一层姜油,撒上                             drain the excess oil, setting the crispy ginger aside.
                炸好的姜蓉即可。                                          Reserve the ginger-infused oil for later use.
                                                               3.  Place the marinated chicken in a steamer and steam
            ■ 风味特色                                                over  high  heat  for  25  minutes,  ensuring  it  is  fully
            鲜嫩多汁,姜味郁香                                             cooked.  Remove  the  chicken,  hang  it  to  drain  the
                                                                  juices and let it cool naturally. The chicken juice can
                                                                  be collected and used as a dipping sauce to enhance
                                                                  the flavour.
                                                               4.  Cut the cooled chicken into pieces and arrange them
                                                                  on a plate to resemble the shape of a whole chick-
                                                                  en. Brush the chicken with the ginger-infused oil and
                                                                  sprinkle with the fried ginger paste on top. Serve im-

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Tender and juicy with a rich ginger aroma.
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