Page 31 - EH60
P. 31


                                                                               greater peace in realizing the natural
                                                                               way of things. This cultivates in us
                                                                               the ability to savor every moment
                                                                               of life, to find peace in even the
                                                                               most mundane activities, as well
                                                                               as the ability to transform your
                                                                               typically “negative” experiences into
                                                                               something altogether nourishing
                                                                               and healing.

                                                                               5. Change yourself, change the
                                                                               Buddhists understand that you can
                                                                               hardly help another before you help
           ways. The saṅgha is ultimately    and joy, and realize the greatest   yourself. But this isn’t referring to
           just one way of looking at life,   lessons life can teach you as a result   you gaining power or riches before
           through the lens of the individual   of living fully awake to the present   you can help others, or living in a
           “expressions” of the totality.    moment.                           way that you ignore others.

           By living in a way that you’re fully   4. Live deeply               This is mostly referring to
           aware of the power of connecting   To live deeply, in a way that you   the fact that because we’re all
           with others, whether it’s one person   become keenly aware of the precious   interconnected, by you helping
           or a group of 100, and seeking to   nature of life, is to begin down the   yourself you create an exponentially
           nurture those relationships in the   path of true peace and happiness.  positive effect on the rest of the
           appropriate way, you can transform                                  world.
           your life in ways that will pay   Why? Because to live in this way is
           dividends for years to come.      to gradually become aware of the   If you want to make an impact on the
                                             true nature of the world. This will   world, don’t falsely convince yourself
           3. Wake up                        happen essentially in “sections” of   that it’s “you or them”. You don’t
           One of the most powerful points on   the whole, such as realizing your   need to drag yourself through the
           this list, the power of simply living   interconnectedness (you begin to   mud to help those around you. If you
           in a way that you’re fully awake to   see how everything is connected to   do this, you’ll greatly hamper your
           every moment of your life pretty   everything else) and impermanence   ability to create a positive impact.
           much couldn’t be exaggerated even   (you begin to see how everything is
           if I tried.                       ever-changing, constantly dying only   At the deepest level of
                                             to be reborn in another form).    understanding, by making it about
           Mindfulness, greater awareness,   These realizations are the bread   you you’re also making it about
           paying attention, whatever you want   and butter of Buddhism and all   them because you know there’s no
           to call it- it changes every facet of   spiritual practice. These “sections   separating “you” and “them”.
           your life and in every way. It’s as   of the whole” are fragments of the   Take care of yourself and seek to
           simple as that.                   ultimate realization, ways for us to   be more than just a help, but an
                                             understand that which can’t be fully   example of how to live for others
           Strive to live fully awake to each   understood in the traditional sense.  to follow and you’ll create waves of
           moment of your daily life and     By living in a way that you seek to   exponential possibility that inspires
           overcome your greatest personal   realize these various “qualities of   others to do the same.
           struggles, find a great sense of peace   the ultimate” you find greater and
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