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Politics of Equality and Compassion
The Global Wealth Report 2022 by Credit Suisse reputations and careers by making use of race and
shows that individuals worth more than US$1 million religion.
constitute just 1.1% of the world’s population, but they
hold 45.8% of global wealth. US Federal Reserve data Voters’ perceptions are subject to constant manipulation
indicates that as of Q4 2021, the top 1% of households by campaign advertising and the news media. The
in the United States held 32.3% of the country’s political game is fueled with money, and its players know
wealth, while the bottom 50% held 2.6%. In Malaysia, that a vote cast in ignorance, fear or narrow self-interest
the wealthiest 20 percent of Malaysians control 53.8 counts just as much as a vote cast thoughtfully for others’
percent of the wealth, while the poorest 60 percent of benefit. In this zero-sum game of money, influence, and
the population controls just 21.3 percent of wealth. At image, winning is left to the winners.
the very bottom of the income range, the poorest 20
percent of the population controls only 4.5 percent of As Buddhists, we understand that there is no truth or
wealth. After two years of Covid-19 pandemic, wealth wisdom without compassion. The Buddha’s teaching
inequality has substantially increased in the world, is an antidote to the politics of fear, hate, violence and
including Malaysia. separation. We know in our hearts that violence does
not bring peace, that hatred breeds more hatred, and
On November 25, 2022, the day after Anwar Ibrahim that only with love and compassion can hatred ever
was sworn in as Malaysia’s Prime Minister, he said that truly be appeased.
his primary focus would be on the cost of living of the
people, where he will review the country’s elaborate Our political leaders can learn much from the Buddha’s
system of government subsidies program which teachings on “The Ten Duties of Kings”. These principles
includes support to keep down the cost of basic goods are widely known and generally accepted as a yardstick
such as fuel, cooking oil, sugar, flour, and electricity, to which could be applied just as well to modern
ensure that it helps those most in need. government as to the first ruler of the world. The duties
are: liberality, morality, self-sacrifice, integrity, kindness,
Buddhist teachings epitomize the primary component austerity, non-anger, non-violence, forbearance and non-
of good politics – do not hoard morbidly superfluous opposition (to the will of the people). We pray our new
wealth in the midst of poverty – and do not allow political leadership in the country will imbibe such noble
the accumulation of billions of ringgit by individuals, principles as the leaders serve the nation and its people.
especially while so many others go hungry and homeless.
Politics and Buddhism might seem antithetical, but in Some of us may still remember the 1971 song Imagine
truth Buddhist practice is inherently political. by John Lennon:
Engaging in political action today requires attention Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
to suffering, but too often the attention of politicians You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
is absorbed in their own power. Instead of having hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.
the people’s interests in mind, politicians and their
professional handlers shamelessly accept campaign May all people in Malaysia and in the world live free
contributions from powerful interests and seek to from hate but in peace! EH
advance themselves by destroying their opponents’