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P. 6
Tools for Nourishing
Positive Emotions
By Ven. Dr. Douglas Cheolsoeng Gentile
positive emotions, and whether all
types of meditation leads us to the
end of suffering. The following is an
extract of the discussion based on
responses to the questions asked.
Benny: You are an accomplished
psychologist, scholar, author, and
also a Zen monk. How did you
first get interested in Buddhism?
Douglas: Like many people, at
age 19 I decided that I should not
believe things simply because
others had told me they were true,
but should have my own reasons
for believing. This began a journey
examining multiple world religions
Venerable Dr. Douglas He wrote and narrated the best- and philosophies. Over time, I
Cheolsoeng Gentile is a Zen selling audiobook Buddhism began to have experiences that fit
teacher in an American lineage 101: How to Walk Easily over directly with the Buddhist or Taoist
with Korean and Vietnamese Rough Ground and Meditation: views, which strengthened my
roots. He is also a Distinguished The Busy Person’s Guide to interest in studying and practicing
Professor of Psychology, Cultivating Compassion and Positive those traditions.
who conducts research on the Mind States. His most recent
media’s impact on children book, Finding the Freedom to Get Do you see Buddhism more as a
and adults, as well as how Unstuck and Be Happier (Penguin), psychology or a religion?
mindfulness practices can reduce is available now.
anxiety and improve happiness. Benny Liow discussed with There is no correct answer to this.
Named as one of America’s best Venerable Douglas about some of It can be a practice, a philosophy,
a religion, etc., depending on what
300 professors by the Princeton the common misconceptions of the practitioner needs, seeks,
Review, he is a fellow of several Buddhism people have, such as all or benefits from. My personal
scientific organizations, including Buddhists must give up desires in approach is that it is a philosophical
the American Psychological life, how an understanding of the view and a set of practices. It
Association and the Association three characteristics of existence doesn’t conflict with other religious
for Psychological Science. will lead us to a more positive belief systems.
and fulfilling life, how to cultivate