Page 17 - EH74
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Buddhists. The purity of dharma, greater peace or contentment. Their phase of Buddhist practice. The first
then, depends on maintaining both feet are not yet ready to fit into of these may be called motivational
its integrity and its effectiveness these shoes. imbalances. All of us desire
in the modern world, leading happiness, but out of ignorance
people from suffering and its Vajrayana Buddhism is designed for and confusion we often pursue
causes to an experience of greater people who have already achieved desires that actually undermine
virtue, genuine happiness, and high levels of spiritual maturation, our own and others’ happiness.
understanding. and if we try to run with these track Likewise, while failing to recognize
shoes before we’ve learned to walk the actual causes of suffering,
Vajrayana Buddhism is designed for barefoot, we may trip and stumble. we sometimes desire things and
people who have already achieved I believe this is why His Holiness engage in actions that inadvertently
high levels of spiritual maturation, the Dalai Lama, together with many lead to suffering. On the Buddhist
and if we try to run with these track of the other lamas I’ve studied with path, understanding the Four
shoes before we’ve learned to walk over the past 34 years, so strongly Noble Truths helps get us properly
barefoot, we may trip and stumble. emphasize the fundamental oriented in our pursuit of happiness
teachings of the Buddha. We need and freedom from suffering. We
When it comes to the purity of to overcome our mental imbalances gradually learn to identify the true
individual lineages of advanced first. Let us first achieve exceptional inner causes of both joy and sorrow,
stages of Buddhist theory and degrees of mental health and well- and this motivates us to lead our
practice, such as those of Vajrayana being. Enlightenment will follow in lives accordingly. In this way, we
Buddhism, there may be little if due course. correct motivational imbalances
any need to adapt these teachings. that lead to unnecessary misery and
Rather, as some lamas point out, To appreciate the depth of mental conflict for ourselves and others.
it’s we who should adapt to them! well-being required, let us consider
These esoteric practices may be two of the three basic components Secondly, we may identify two kinds
likened to high-tech track shoes, of Buddhist practice—focused of attentional imbalances: laxity,
designed to speed us on the way to attention and insight into the nature which is a kind of attention deficit,
enlightenment. It’s not too difficult of reality—leaving ethics aside for and excitation, which is certainly a
to acquire these shoes, but to be the purposes of this discussion. form of hyperactivity. These crop
able to use them to advantage and up in a habitual state of mind that
without injury is another matter. Focused attention, or samadhi, oscillates between dullness and
The surface trappings of Vajrayana refers not only to the ability agitation. In the Buddhist view,
are easily obtained. All we need to concentrate, but also to the virtually all of us are prone to these
do is show up at a Vajrayana achievement of extraordinary imbalances, and as long as that’s so,
initiation, participate in the ritual degrees of mental balance. we have a very limited capacity to
and receive the oral transmissions Three aspects of the Eightfold engage in spiritual practice or any
and teachings. But it’s a lot more Noble Path are included in this other kind of meaningful endeavor.
difficult to engage in these practices matrix of practice: single-pointed The cultivation of meditative
so that they bring about profound concentration is complemented by quiescence (shamatha) is what
and irreversible transformations mindfulness and the right kind and the doctor orders to overcome
in our bodies and minds. I believe degree of effort. these imbalances and to bring the
some people have engaged in such attention to a state of relaxation,
esoteric practices for years on end Four kinds of imbalances impede stability and vividness. To the
without ever noticing that their the kind of mental health that is extent that this is achieved, the
mental afflictions are not subsiding the prerequisite for liberating mind is said to be “serviceable,”
and that they’re not finding any insight, prajna, the culminating ready for any task we put to it,