Page 60 - EH74
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compassion can be justified. This approach aligns with the older generations observe the 8 precepts weekly
the broader principle of skillful means, where actions or fortnightly and do some form of chanting and
are tailored to achieve the greatest benefit for others. meditation. However some of those from the modern
The intention behind the untruth is crucial—it must generation who are more intellectually inclined may
stem from a desire to help and protect, not deceive for feel repelled by empty rites and rituals and may look to
selfish reasons. Balancing truthfulness with compassion, other religions for teachings and courses that are more
while carefully considering the consequences, allows for relevant to their lives.
ethical flexibility without compromising the essence of
Buddhist teachings. For this reason it is important to be selective and
use only rites and rituals that are meaningful and
Tsepal: Lying to save a life is rarely required. There are necessary. Interestingly, there are hardly any rites and
often ways to persuade a person without lying; these rituals to be found in the Pāli canon for monastics and
involve re-framing the situation so that the person sees lay people alike.
the situation differently. For example, if someone is
contemplating suicide, we can speak about how their Min Wei: Indeed, rituals can serve as skillful means to
life is valuable to and cherished by others. Or if someone attract others to study and practice the Dharma. While
is thinking to kill another being, we must figure out the Buddha emphasized study and meditation, rituals
what they actually need at that moment and try to and ceremonies can provide a structured, communal,
address that. and experiential entry point into Buddhist practice.
They can create a sense of belonging, tradition, and
Usually we are tempted to tell falsehoods so that people reverence, which may appeal to those initially drawn
will like us, approve of and think well of us. Often our to the aesthetic and cultural aspects of Buddhism.
motivations for speaking are mixed, partially virtuous, Rituals can also serve as reminders of key teachings
partially non-virtuous, so we must be extremely honest and principles, helping practitioners to internalize and
about our motivation to avoid labelling a non-virtue as reflect on the Dharma in their daily lives. When used
”skilful means.” thoughtfully, rituals can bridge the gap between interest
The Buddha emphasized study and meditation and deeper engagement, encouraging individuals to
instead of rituals and ceremonies. Do you see any explore meditation and study more seriously. Thus,
usefulness in using rituals as a skilful means to incorporating rituals can enhance accessibility and
attract others to study and practice the Dharma? foster a more holistic approach to spiritual growth,
aligning with the Buddha’s compassionate intent to
Aggacitta: As illustrated in Maslow’s Hierarchy of guide beings towards enlightenment.
Needs, the ultimate goal of the Buddha’s teachings
is meant only for the very few spiritually developed Tsepal: Because individuals have such diverse
beings. If the monks only studied and meditated for predispositions, interests and capacities, it’s very skilful
their own realisation, who would cater to the more to offer a variety of means for people to meet and
mundane needs of the lay devotees? It is precisely engage with the Dharma. Some people enjoy devotional
because of what scholars call “Folk Buddhism” that the practices, while others are attracted to meditation, still
teachings of the Buddha have survived till this day. others find intensive study or debate most compelling.
Simply reciting the refuge and bodhicitta verse before
Although I am personally a monk who avoids rites and a teaching can seem like a ritual to some people
rituals, I recognise their importance in sustaining the completely new to Buddhism. However, when Dharma
Buddhasāsana and am grateful that there are many teachers explain the meaning behind a ritual or the steps
monks who are more than willing to conduct them for in a ceremony so that people can follow and understand
the laity. it, this can increase people’s faith and good qualities.
The devotion of the folk Buddhists in SE Asia are based Since there is a diversity of Buddhist traditions, there
on traditional rites and rituals, and many devotees of is a corresponding array of Buddhist rituals. Hosting