Page 48 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 48


           on tightly to our own image of how   heart that can ache, means we’re a   I first embarked on my so-called
           the relationship should be, how   beautiful human being, and that is   spiritual journey as a young person,
           the other person should be, how   a reason to celebrate.            I was more focused on making
           they should treat us, and so on,                                    myself into a ‘better’ person by
           and our view is largely influenced   In Mettā Sutta, a discourse we recite   finding role models and trying to
           by the media and the collective   often in Plum Village, it says: “Just   cultivate certain qualities I admired
           consciousness of the society in   as a mother loves and protects her   in others, be they historical figures
           which we live. As a practitioner, we   only child at the risk of her own life,   or people I have come in contact
           want to cultivate insight or the right   let us cultivate our love to offer to all   directly. As I progressed in my
           view 正見、transcending all views    living beings in the entire cosmos.”  spiritual journey, I discovered that
           and free ourselves from views.                                      I would never feel fulfilled if I keep
                                             When we love, truly love our      looking only in one direction by
           Is it possible to love someone    children and spouses, we remember   just cultivating the ‘beautiful seeds’
           dear like our children or spouse   that they’re not ‘ours’. That is   in myself without paying attention
           without having attachments?       not true love. We shouldn’t see   and discovering the ‘unwanted

                                             our children as an extension of   seeds’ within me. The feeling of
           Buddhism doesn’t teach that we    ourselves, expecting them to fulfill   disconnection or and ‘not-enough-
           should have no attachment. The    our dreams, or push onto them an   ness’ could not be alleviated
           Buddha said those who have a      idea of happiness that is not in line   because all those seeds ARE part
           hundred loved ones have a hundred   with their idea of happiness. True   of me but I had neglected to know
           sufferings. Those who have one    love is very spacious. True love is   myself as a whole person. This is
           loved one have one suffering. Those   when we offer each person to reach   because I am always having the idea
           who have no dear ones have no     his/her full potential, to be the best   of ‘who I want to be’ or ‘who I think
           sufferings. When our teacher passed   version of themselves.        I should be’ or ‘who I need to be
           away, we organized online a week of                                 in order to be a valuable member
           ceremonies, attended by thousands   How has compassion transformed   of society’ or ‘who I want to be in
           of people from around the world.   you since you became a monastic   order to approve myself as a happy,
           They witnessed many monks and     compared to when you were a lay   successful person.’ etc. etc. But it
           nuns crying, and some commented:   person?                          is only by seeing and accepting the
           “I thought Buddhists practice                                       part of myself that is hard to accept
           impermanence and non-attachment.   The question is not becoming a   that I can truly feel ‘I have arrived,
           Why are you crying?”              monastic or continuing as a lay   I am home’ in my own body and
                                             person because I know many lay    mind, which is one of the four Plum
           We need to remember why we        practitioners who practice with   Village Dharma Seals.
           practice Buddhism. We need to     courage and sincerity, much better
           remember why the Buddha wanted    than monastic practitioners. So   We can only give to others what
           to teach what he taught. The aim   I’d rephrase the question to “how   we have. So if we aspire to love all
           of our practice is not to attain   is my practice of compassion now   beings as stated in Mettā Sutta, we
           super-power and become a super-   compared to the time when I first   have to start by understanding and
           human who is immune to human      started practicing?”              loving ourselves. That is the practice
           emotions and sufferings. When                                       of mindfulness, to cultivate true
           we are separated from our loved   I have the courage to face the so-  presence first of all for ourselves
           ones, it is very painful, but we can   called dark side of myself, to accept   so that we can offer ourselves to
           at the same time remember and     myself as a whole. In our modern   others. EH
           celebrate the fact that we feel the   society, many of us suffer from
           pain because we love. To have a   loneliness and disconnection. When
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