Page 51 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 51


           and views meat as the flesh of one’s own son. Even if   Buddha’s teaching which is “compassion” for all sentient
           one’s master or faithful devotees offer meat-food with   beings based on universal humanistic values. (c) To
           genuine devotion, one should see it as the flesh of your   awaken our innate love and compassion and inspire us
           own son.”                                          to pursue a compassionate lifestyle.

           Lastly, Buddha said, “There is no end if I speak   What would you regard as the biggest
           thoroughly about the reasons I do not approve of meat   compassionate action that the Buddha has done for
           eating. I give you a brief answer on this important   the benefit of all sentient beings?
           matter because the time has come for my Parinirvana.”
           He went on and said, “Dialecticians who are meat-eaters    The most extraordinary compassionate act of Buddha
           will not understand this. These closeminded meat-  Shakyamuni was the introduction of unconditional
           eating gossipers will one day blame me, saying that   love and compassion for all sentient beings, showing
           Buddha has said that it is not wrong to eat meat and   a scientific path to liberation from all sufferings by
           that Buddha himself ate meat.”                     introducing the Four Noble Truths and the truth of
                                                              dependent origination.
           There are many more statements from the Buddha in
           different sūtras as well as by other great masters in   Since compassion is synonymous with non-killing,
           their commentaries.                                is it justified if one were to kill a serial killer who is
                                                              about to kill young innocent kids in a school? How
           Did the Buddha give any exception on eating meat?  to consider such an action from the angle of karma?

           While the basic premise is that we should avoid eating   I am not sure if non-killing is exactly synonymous with
           meat, the main exception is that when you are really   compassion; it really depends on one’s intention. In my
           hungry with no food and you come across an animal   opinion, there is no way to justify a killing of any sort.
           that has died a natural death, you can then consume the   Even with a serial killer, the first attempt should be
           meat for your survival. In this case the animal is already   to bring the situation under control through peaceful
           dead due to the natural course of life and its remains   means. However, if a situation doesn’t allow this, then in
           can come into use for someone else’s survival.     order to save many innocent lives, it is better to put that
                                                              one serial killer down. Karma takes its own course no
           On the other hand, in a sūtra on medicine and treatment   matter what; in this situation, if you commit the act of
           in the Vinaya, we are told that if a monk is critically ill   killing, there will be consequential outcomes. But on the
           and a doctor recommends a particular protein (meat or   other hand, you’ve earned profound virtuous merit by
           broth) for his healing, this is allowed. The Buddha said,   saving many innocent lives. That karma of trying to save
           “The monk’s assistant should season the meat with herbs   many lives from the serial killer will dilute the karma of
           and spices, mix it with other food and feed it to him as   taking the life of the serial killer. Besides, one can also
           medicine.”  Thus, the Buddha’s teachings are spontaneous   wholeheartedly confess and purify the karma of the
           and always based on compassion and reason.         killing because the intention is compassion to protect
                                                              many innocent lives.
           You are the founder of the Universal Compassion
           Foundation. What is the main objective of this     Would you consider it as a compassionate action
           organization?                                      if the children of a coma patient were to instruct
                                                              the doctor to terminate the life of their parent to
           The Universal Compassion Foundation (originally the   prevent him from further suffering?
           Universal Compassion Movement) has three main
           objectives: (a) To bring awareness about the cruelty   Yes, if the coma patient has no chance to recover, then
           behind our food habits. (b) To highlight the core of   keeping him or her on life support serves no purpose;
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