Page 55 - EH 73 May 2024
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           It is also Thailand’s first digital Buddhist research   The research center also demonstrated the “Digital religion
           platform to be established after the release of the   standing machine”, a product that combines online guided
           country’s “Summary of the 2023-2037 Buddhist       tours, online offering of lights, and pre-booking of Buddhist
           Promotion Master Plan.”                            events using an H5 platform as a carrier for online and
                                                              offline services. Ven Brahmapundit greatly admired this
           The center is led by Ven Prof Dr Phra Brahmapundit,   product, stating that it was exactly the form of digital
           who is a member of the Supreme Sangha Committee of   temple that he had envisioned for years.
           Thailand, Chairman of the International Council of the
           United Nations Vesak Day, Chairman of the International   Additionally, the center also displayed AR tour guides and
           Association of Buddhist Universities, and former President   interactive installations that combine VR technology with
           of Mahachulalongkorn University. After visiting the   Buddhist themes. It also features the ActivPanel 9, a new
           center, Ven Brahmapundit affirmed the digitization efforts   interactive tablet from Promethean. The Promethean smart
           of NetDragon and supported the work to deploy Thai   screen provides an integrated, immersive, interactive
           digital Buddhism for local and global use. He hope that   classroom and various smart teaching software tools which
           the research center will in time produce a model plan for   is expected to redefine how Buddhist education will be
           comprehensive modernisation and high tech development   implemented.
           of Thai Buddhism.
                                                              The completion of the Digital Buddhist Research Center
           Mi Xiong, General Manager of NetDragon Digital     will provide a more diverse range of discussion topics
           (Department of religion), accompanied Ven Brahmapundit   for the upcoming United Nations Vesak Day. The project
           and his team throughout their visit to the centre and   welcome eminent monks, scholars, and professors
           introduced various digital products developed there.   from around the world to visit and experience it’s
           Mi Xiong expressed his honor in assisting the Thailand   groundbreaking use of technology.
           National Center for The Dissemination of Buddhism in
           constructing the country’s first national level digital   Mi Xiong said that the department is prepared to
           Buddhist research base and pledged to continue exploring   exchange and learn from professionals from the Buddhist
           the use of digital technologies to assist in the dissemination   world. Efforts will focus on promoting effective global
           of Thai Buddhism and Buddhist culture.             dissemination of Buddhist culture, and supporting the
                                                              development of Buddhist education using advanced
           During this debut, the Center showcased several digital   technology. Very soon, the center will explore expandable,
           Buddhist projects, including an “AR Vision-Nine Ball   sustainable, and reconstructable digital Buddhist worlds in
           Meditation”, which is a tool jointly developed by NetDragon   the areas of teaching, propagation, experience, and research.
           and Rokid. The project combines Rokid’s latest AR glasses
           to provide users with auditory, visual, and even tactile   NetDragon Digital will also utilise the center as base to
           assistance for meditation. Rokid AR breaks the barriers   assist the United Nations in promoting and deploying
           between the body and space through “AI+AR,” utilizing   digital tools for development of Buddhism to universities
           spatial computing capabilities for “visualization” and   and other institutions. By utilizing advanced software and
           “interaction,” allowing participants to enter into a space of   hardware, such as AI, VR, and AR technologies, as well
           intelligent creation.                              as gamification, modern technology, and modern healing
                                                              methods, the department aims to promote innovation in
           This not only brings a new experience to meditation but   the dissemination of Buddhist culture.
           also provides a new form of experience that is observable,
           touchable, and experiential for personal practices, Buddhist   The end game is the the quest to form a sustainable way of
           education, and the dissemination of Buddhist wisdom and   life and preservation of time honoured values.
           culture. After experiencing it, Ven Brahmapundit expressed
                                                              Source:    EH
           that this new form of digital practice will inspire a broader
           and deeper application for Buddhist education, thus
           deserving further exploration and promotion.
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