Page 58 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 58




           Level 2 suttānuloma refers to the Four Great Standards,   the foundational principles. Consulting scholarly
           as said thus by the Buddha in Vinaya Mahāvagga:    works and engaging in discussions with seasoned
           Bhikkhus, whatever I have not objected to, saying, “This   practitioners and scholars enriches our understanding.
           is not allowable,” if it fits in with what is not allowable,   Additionally, considering the intentions behind the
           if it goes against what is allowable, that is not allowable   rules and their adaptability to diverse cultural contexts
           for you. [E.g. paper money, cheques, credit cards.]  aids in discerning relevance. Ultimately, maintaining
                                                              mindfulness, humility, and a commitment to ethical
           Whatever I have not objected to, saying, “This is not   conduct guides us in aligning our interpretation of the
           allowable,” if it fits in with what is allowable, if it goes   Vinaya rules with the timeless wisdom of the Buddha’s
           against what is not allowable, that is allowable for you.   teachings.
           [E.g. robes and footwear made of artificial materials,
           artificial dye, tent, sleeping bags.]              Tsepal: There are several ways to do this and different
                                                              people and groups will come to different conclusions
           And whatever I have not permitted, saying, “This is   regarding this. Within different Buddhist traditions
           allowable,” if it fits in with what is not allowable, if it   and even within the same tradition, some will keep
           goes against what is allowable, that is not allowable for   the precepts more literally, while others observe the
           you. [E.g. watching entertainment on TV, reading erotic   intention or deeper meaning behind each precept.
           novels, smoking for pleasure.]                     As with all Dharma, if our motivation is sincere and
                                                              virtuous, the outcome will be beneficial.
           And whatever I have not permitted, saying, “This is
           allowable,” if it fits in with what is allowable, if it goes   Comparative studies have found the number and
           against what is not allowable, that is allowable for   meaning of the precepts in the extant vinayas to be very
           you. [E.g. stationery, laptop for Dhamma studies and   similar with only minor differences. Monastics today

           propagation, alarm clock, spectacles.]             rely on the lineage of Vinaya masters and elders in their
                                                              own tradition to understand the intent behind each
           This list of criteria establishes the hierarchy of authority   precept and how to live in harmony with it. Reading
           to be followed when deciding on various interpretations   the origin stories and knowing the circumstances and
           of the Vinaya. The highest and final authority is still   motivations of a precept refines our understanding
           what is directly stated in the Vinaya Piṭaka, although   of the meaning of each precept. We can also check if
           in cases of grey areas not dealt with there, the other   holding a precept in a certain way furthers our ethical
           subsidiary authorities can be resorted to.         conduct, conscientiousness, and harmony within the
           It should be noted that the 3rd level of authority,
           ācariyavāda, refers ONLY to the interpretations of the   How does the interpretation and application of
           500 elders who convened at the first ‘Council’. This   the Vinaya differ across Mahāyāna, Theravāda, and
           shows that this hierarchy of authority was established   Vajrayāna traditions, and what commonalities exist
           at a very early stage since the interpretations of other   in their understanding of its relevance to the laity?
           teachers after that first ‘Council’ were not considered
           as Level 3 but placed at the lowest level of attanomati   Aggacitta: I’m not an expert in Vinaya interpretations

           (personal opinion).                                and practices outside of the Theravāda tradition, so I’m
                                                              in no position to comment in detail. However, from what
           Min Wei: Ensuring the relevance of our interpretation   little I know, the Vajrayāna uses the Sarvastivāda Vinaya
           of the Vinaya rules to the Buddha’s teachings involves   while the Chinese Mahāyāna uses a combination of
           a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, we delve deeply   whatever they could get from ancient India. In addition
           into the original texts and historical context to grasp   both also use the bodhisattva precepts. Theoretically,
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