Page 62 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 62


           ethical decision-making in modern life. Encouraging                 Venerable Āyasmā Aggacitta is
           dialogue and providing opportunities for questions can              the founder of the Sāsanārakkha
           clarify misunderstandings and deepen understanding.                 Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) in
           Emphasizing the universal values of compassion,                     Taiping, Perak, a Pāli scholar and a
           mindfulness, and ethical conduct inherent in the Vinaya             meditation teacher.
           helps bridge cultural and conceptual gaps, fostering a
           more meaningful connection between lay practitioners
           and Buddhist teachings.                            Ven. Min Wei is a teacher of e-learning at the
                                                              International Buddhist College (IBC) and an
           Tsepal: In Asian countries, the monastery or temple was   independent translator of Buddhism.
           the center of a Buddhist community, with commonly
           accepted traditional roles and practices for monastics              Venerable Tenzin Tsepal was
           and laity. Monastics engaged in intensive study and                 ordained by HH The 14th Dalai
           meditation and gave teachings to the lay community.                 Lama in 2001 and received her
           The lay community, in return, provided for the sangha’s             higher ordination in Taiwan in
           material needs, kept lay precepts, and engaged in                   2019. She is currently a nun
           virtuous deeds to create merit.                                     residing at Sravasti Abbey, USA,
                                                                               supporting Ven Thubten Chodron in
           In many contemporary, non-Asian societies, lay-lead                 her teachings.
           Dharma centers often fill the role of the monastery.
           More lay Buddhists have become Dharma teachers, thus
           challenging traditional roles.

           Lay practitioners are better educated and are interested
           in Dharma study and practice within lay life. They value
           democratic principles and individualism and are less
           inclined to follow hierarchical structures.

           The Buddha wanted a fourfold assembly—lay and
           monastic male and female practitioners—and said that
           when the harmonious practice of the fourfold assembly
           exists, his teaching will remain long in this world. He
           himself lived as a monk from the time he left the palace
           until he passed away, demonstrating the importance
           and benefit of monastic life. Leaving the home life
           provides ideal conditions for reducing distraction and
           craving and achieving inner states of liberation and
           enlightenment. Any lay practitioner will attest that
           serious practice is more challenging when engaged
           in sexual relationships, raising a family, running a
           household, and having bills to pay!  EH
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