Page 66 - EH 73 May 2024
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           Ajahn Brahm, Bear Awareness. Questions and Answers   Gail Andersen Stark, Creating a Life of Integrity. In
           on Taming Your Wild Mind. Wisdom: USA. 2017. pp 158.   Conversation with Joseph Goldstein. Wisdom: USA. 2021.
           US$16.95                 pp 230. US$18.95

           In this book of Q&A on meditation, Ajahn Brahm     This book is a conversation between Gail, a
           answers actual questions from his meditation students   businessperson, and Joseph Goldstein, an internationally
           from retreats he led at Jhana Grove Retreat Center in   revered Buddhist scholar, teacher, and author on the
           Australia. The title – typical of the author who is known   core components of integrity—generosity, virtue,
           for his style of delivery and sense of humor – uses the   renunciation, wisdom, courage, patience, truthfulness,
           word “bear awareness” rather than “bare awareness”   resoluteness, loving-kindness, and equanimity. In this
           as is common of mindfulness teachers - to help us make   book, we discover that each component is a step on
           friends with the scary things (like a bear!) that come up   a path that transports us to an empowered place of
           on the cushion, and he knows how to lift the mood with   clarity, commitment, and, consequently, more joy. As we
           a well-placed stuffed teddy bear ––or a well-timed pun!  strengthen and weave these qualities into our daily lives
                                                              they become our trusted first response in a world that
           The intimacy of the question-and-answer format     needs our integrity now.
           provides a fresh experience of learning from a master
           meditator. Whether he is urging readers to fly Buddha Air   For instance, on the topic of Generosity, Joseph will
           (sit back and relax on your way to nirvana), giving tips   relate stories from the Buddha’s time on how he would
           for dealing with panic attacks or depression, or extolling   teach this noble virtue to his monks. There is this monk
           the bliss of meditation that is better than sex, he gives us   whose generosity was very undeveloped. So the Buddha
           permission to enjoy our lives and our practice.    said to take a stone in one hand and practice giving it to
                                                              the other hand. Just go back and forth, practicing giving
           There is also a good selection of Pali terms which are   the stone to one hand, and then giving to the other
           well explained towards the end of the book in the   hand. Begin to train in what the movement of giving is
           glossary section.   EH                             like. Gradually the monk got used to the notion of giving,
                                                              of letting go, even on that most basic level. So we start
                                                              where we are. And it worked for the monk! As Joseph
                                                              explained in the conversation, generosity becomes
                                                              stronger and more delightful the more we engage in
                                                              it. It is the same for the other virtues taught by the
                                                              Buddha.  EH
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