Page 64 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 64


       BOOKS IN BRIEF                                                                                                                                                                                             BOOKS IN BRIEF

           Peter Skilling, Buddha’s Words for Tough Times. An   This book has four parts. Part 1 is a general introduction
           Anthology. Wisdom: USA. 2024. pp 520. US$49.95     that attempts a brief account of how the Buddhist
                            scriptures were transmitted from the Buddha’s time
                                                              to the present, highlighting the linguistic background
           With a Foreword by Dzongsar Jamyang Lhyentse       and diversity of our scriptural heritage. Part II presents
           Rinpoche, this full-color anthology by Peter Skilling   translations of 20 texts of varying length. These are
           comprises 20 translations of texts that were transmitted   texts from both the Pali Canon as well as the Kanjur
           by several Buddhist orders or schools. Hence, as the   or Tibetan Canon. Part III gives historical and literary
           author mentioned in his Preamble, this book is non-  studies of each of the texts individually. Part IV is a
           sectarian and at the same time it is poly-sectarian and   glossary of proper names, technical terms, and titles for
           pan-sectarian, or Rime in Tibetan which means to value   readers of Buddhist texts.
           all Buddhist traditions and regard themall as worthy
           of respect and consideration. Thus, we have in this   Though the Buddha’s teachings are more than 2,500
           Anthology, translations from sources in Tibetan, Sanskrit,   years old, change and loss have always been part of the
           and Pali. Peter also uncovers the complex history of the   human condition, but in today’s world, the pace and
           vast writings of the Buddhist canons, and his skill in   intensity of uncertainty has reached new extremes.
           revealing the meaning of twenty gems from within those   The Buddha observed the truth of impermanence and
           riches brings them alive for English readers.      diagnosed the source of the anxiety it engenders so
                                                              incisively that his prescription still resonates and heals
                                                              here and now. In these texts are the Budda’s response to
                                                              our difficult times for us to remain resilient. EH
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