Page 59 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 59

F ORUM                                                                            FORUM   |    E AS TERN   HORIZ ON      5
                                                                                              NEWS  |  EASTERN HORIZON     577

           both the Vajrayāna, and especially the Chinese     All Vinaya schools derive from the original eighteen
           Mahāyāna monks should have even more constraints   schools of early Buddhism and ultimately came from
           than Theravāda monks but in practice they appear to be   the Buddha himself. The motivation to take monastic
           more liberal. This is probably because of a bodhisattva   ordination must be the aspiration to be free from
           precept that allows them to override the Prātimoksha   saṃsāra, which is common to all Buddhist practitioners.
           rules according to their ‘compassionate discretion’.  Therefore, there is no “Mahāyāna Vinaya.”

           The relevance of the rules for the laity is that they serve   In addition, Vajrayāna Buddhism is a branch of
           to draw a line between the monastics and the laity—one   Mahāyāna Buddhism, not separate from it. Vajrayāna
           that fosters mutual trust and self integrity and a healthy   Buddhism is practiced after one has a thorough
           interdependence of material support and spiritual   grounding in the fundamental vehicle and the teachings
           guidance.                                          of the four noble truths, the bodhisattva vehicle and
                                                              an altruistic bodhicitta aspiration. As 21  century
           Min Wei: The interpretation and application of the   Buddhists, intra-Buddhist dialogue is imperative for
           Vinaya vary significantly across Mahāyāna, Theravāda,   recognizing and correcting erroneous conceptions we
           and Vajrayāna traditions of Buddhism. In Theravāda,   hold about other traditions and enriches our respect for
           the Vinaya is meticulously followed, considered the   each tradition!
           literal word of the Buddha, and serves as a guide
           for individual liberation through strict adherence to   Regarding the relevance of monastic life to the laity,
           monastic rules. Mahāyāna traditions, while respecting   when monastics live simply, ethically, and fully devoted
           the Vinaya, interpret it more flexibly to adapt to   to Dharma study and practice—regardless of their
           diverse cultural contexts and evolving societal norms.   tradition—the laity will naturally support them as a
           Emphasis shifts towards the Bodhisattva ideal,     refuge and inspiration for their practice.
           extending liberation aspirations to all beings. Vajrayāna
           upholds the Vinaya within monastic communities but   Considering the cultural diversity of modern
           integrates tantric practices and esoteric teachings   society, how can the Vinaya be presented in a way
           for swift enlightenment. Despite these differences,   that is culturally sensitive and adaptable without
           commonalities exist in their understanding of Vinaya’s   compromising its core ethical principles?
           relevance to the laity.
                                                              Aggacitta: Modern societies today are very aware of the
           Across traditions, ethical conduct is paramount,   multicultural and cosmopolitan nature of our planet,
           promoting harmony and virtuous living. Lay followers   thanks to the internet and convenience of travel and
           believe in accumulating merit through supporting   communication through advances in technology. People
           monastic communities and practicing generosity,    are more tolerant and accepting of cultural differences
           fostering spiritual growth. Additionally, the Vinaya   provided they are not biased towards political
           underscores the interdependence between monastics   instigation or motives. In such a milieu it is easier to
           and laypeople, emphasizing community support and the   impress upon Buddhist devotees the importance of
           mutual exchange of spiritual guidance and teachings.  understanding monastic rules pertaining to the laity
                                                              in order to help the monastics maintain their moral
           Tsepal: Terms such as “Theravāda, Mahāyāna and     purity. This will not only increase the merits gained by
           Vajrayāna” to represent the main Buddhist traditions is   supporting virtuous monastics but will also contribute
           misleading. There is a distinction between one’s Vinaya   to the perpetuation of the true Dhamma.
           tradition and one’s practice tradition.
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