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P. 217


            Stir-Fried Ban Noodles

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            粄条                 500克                            50 grams ban noodles

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            牛肉                 100克                            100 grams beef
            芥兰菜                100克                            100 grams Chinese kale

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            猪油                 2汤匙                             2 tablespoons lard
            生抽                 2茶匙                             2 teaspoons light soy sauce
            味精                半茶匙                              ½ teaspoon MSG
            胡椒粉                1茶匙                             1 teaspoon ground pepper

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将牛肉切片,用少许生抽和生粉腌制;芥兰菜洗                          1.  Slice the beef and marinate it with a small amount
                净后切段备用。                                           of light soy sauce and cornstarch.  Wash the Chinese
            2.  热锅加入少量油,煸炒牛肉至七成熟,盛出备                              kale and cut it into segments for later use.
                用。                                             2.  Heat a small amount of oil in a wok, stir-fry the beef
            3.  热锅放入猪油,倒入粄条暴炒,加入生抽、味精                             until 70% cooked. Remove and set aside.
                和胡椒粉调味,随后加入牛肉和芥兰菜翻炒,即                          3.  Heat the wok and add lard. Stir-fry the ban noodles
                可出锅。                                              quickly  over  high  heat,  then  season  with  light  soy
                                                                  sauce, MSG and ground pepper. Add the cooked beef
            ■ 风味特色                                                and Chinese kale, stir-fry briefly. Remove from heat
            油润透亮,香滑可口。                                            and serve.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Oily and glossy, fragrant and smooth.

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