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P. 97
Steamed Rice Cakes
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
粘米粉 300克 300 grams rice flour
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
白糖 100克 100 grams white sugar
清水 400克 400 grams water
酵母 5克 5 grams yeast
红曲粉 15克 15 grams red yeast rice powder
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将粘米粉、清水、白糖、酵母和红曲粉搅均匀至 1. Mix rice flour, water, white sugar, yeast and red yeast
顺滑。静置自然发酵,直至粉糊膨胀至原体积的 rice powder until smooth. Let the mixture ferment
3倍。 naturally until the batter triples in size.
2. 将发酵好的粉浆舀入小碗或钵中,放入蒸锅中, 2. Scoop the fermented batter into small bowls or
用大火蒸制30分钟,至表面开裂即可出锅。 moulds. Steam over high heat for 30 minutes until
the cakes crack on the surface. Remove from the
■ 风味特色 steamer and serve.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Sweet and soft, with a vibrant red color symbolizing pros-