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achieve. In Soto Zen we use fewer How would you advice someone Many people want to learn
and simpler methods. What a relief who is new to Zen Buddhism on meditation because they are
to sit down for a while where we how or what to meditate on a too stressed with work or
don’t have to fix or judge, or wait daily basis? depressed with life, and hope
for something else to happen. We that they can relax by meditating.
practice offering our whole selves I suggest finding a community Is meditation appropriate for
to the world without trying to get, of practice and a teacher. Look them, or they should rather see a
gain, or control anything. Having for local communities or, if none psychotherapist instead?
said that we often also incorporate are available, for online options.
mindfulness and loving kindness Find people to practice with and Why not both? That’s what I’ve done,
meditations into our practice, and a teacher who seems to embody and it’s what we often recommend
study many other methods for things you value. Get support for at our Zen center. I understand the
promoting well-being. Sakyamuni daily practice from people you are basic message of Buddhism and the
founded the lineage we have vowed in relationship with. four noble truths to be: there is is
to embody and we honor him and suffering in the world, and you can
countless others over the years who You teach mindfulness do something about it. I recommend
have something to teach us. meditation to corporate leaders people keep looking for every
and the police. How different healthy way they can find to promote
Zen Buddhism is obviously not would that be to teaching well-being.
only about meditation as it has meditation to a group of Dharma
vast literature and also many practitioners in a retreat or to As a long time meditator, what
rituals. So do you regard Zen monastics in a monastery? effects do you see in your daily
as a religion like Theravada or life after practicing meditation?
Tibetan Buddhism? With government agencies or a
corporate setting, I have to be clear I am far more relaxed and happy
When I came to Buddhism I was that what I am teaching comes in general. I do a lot fewer things
kind of anti-religious and liked from a religious tradition, but what that I regret. I have a much richer
to say that Zen is a practice, not I am teaching is not inherently array of beautiful relationships
a religion. However, these days I religious. I uphold the wisdom of with a diverse group of people. I’m
look at the rituals we do, the texts the Buddha’s Kalama sutra: that it’s way less harsh to myself when I
we study, the meditation we offer, easy to see the value of mindfulness make mistakes and it’s a lot easier
and I have to admit it looks pretty practice and ethical conduct in our for me to apologize and repair the
religious! I started thinking of immediate experience and common harms I’ve done. I feel the cool of
Zen as a religion more because I values. I help folks be aware of the the floor on my feet more, and enjoy
saw that it helped me to support power of being mindful of bodily the feeling of the rice on my palm
marginalized groups doing work sensations, emotions, and the as I sort it before I add the water
to dismantle harmful systems like people around us without judging for cooking. I really know the taste
racism, economic exploitation, or trying to control them. These of tea. I have way more energy for
patriarchy, and climate change. are all things I do in a temple or supporting folks in my community
When I show up to support folks monastery, but in those settings who are suffering. Caring for
as a religious leader, it sends a I can also use shared, embodied suffering seems like more of a joy
powerful message. It also helps rituals and much more complex than a burden these days.
me to develop relationships and and challenging teachings from the
solidarity with people of other Buddhist literature to help us get Religion seems distant to many
religions. more free. people today, especially the
youths. How you do engage young