Page 123 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 123


            Steamed Pork Belly with Yam

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            五花肉                500克                            500 grams pork belly
            香芋                 300克                            300 grams yam

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            姜丝                  20克                            20 grams shredded ginger
            白芝麻                 10克                            10 grams white sesame seeds
                                                               ■ Seasonings
            ■ 调料                                               1 tablespoon salt
            食盐                 1汤匙                             2 tablespoons white vinegar
            白醋                 2汤匙                             3 tablespoons white sugar
            白糖                 3汤匙                             2000 grams cooking oil (for frying)
            食用油(炸制用)          2000克                            1 tablespoon starch slurry (cornstarch mixed with water)
            水淀粉                1汤匙
                                                               ■ Method
            ■ 制作流程                                             1.  Add water to a pot and bring it to a boil. Place the
            1.  锅中加水煮沸后,放入五花肉,煮至熟透后捞                              pork belly in the boiling water and cook until fully
                出。用松肉针在猪皮上插孔,然后在猪皮上均匀                             tender, then remove. Prick the pork skin with a meat
                地涂抹上白醋和食盐。                                        tenderizer  needle,  then  evenly  rub  the  skin  with
                                                                  white vinegar and salt.
            2.  将锅烧热后倒入食用油加热。将五花肉放入油中                          2.  Heat the wok and pour in the cooking oil to heat.
                炸至金黄色,表面起珍珠泡后捞出,放入冷水浸                             Deep-fry the pork belly until it turns golden brown
                泡2小时。                                             and pearl-like bubbles form on the surface. Remove
            3.  将五花肉取出,沥干水分,切成厚片后,放入锅                             it from oil and soak the pork in cold water for 2 hours.
                中煸炒,直至表面干香。                                    3.  Remove pork belly from water and drain. Cut it into
            4.  将香芋切成厚片,放入热油中炸至金黄色后捞出                             thick slices and stir-fry the slices again in the wok un-
                                                                  til they are dry and fragrant.
                备用。                                            4.  Cut the yam into thick slices and fry in the oil until
            5.  将炸好的香芋和五花肉片交替摆入碗中,撒上白                             they turn golden brown, then remove and set aside.
                糖,再铺上姜丝,放入蒸锅大火蒸制1小时。                           5.  Arrange the fried  yam slices  and  pork slices  alter-
            6.  蒸好的扣肉倒出碗内的味汁,用水淀粉勾芡淋回                             nately in a bowl. Sprinkle white sugar on top and add
                扣肉上,最后撒上白芝麻即可食用。                                  a layer shredded ginger. Steam the dish in a steamer
                                                                  over high heat for 1 hour.
                                                               6.  After  steaming,  pour  out  the  juice  from  the  bowl.
            ■ 风味特色                                                Thicken the juice with starch slurry and pour it over
            粉糯香甜,洁白透亮。                                            the  pork  and  yam.  Finally,  sprinkle  white  sesame
                                                                  seeds before serving.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Sweet and aromatic, bright and clean appearance.

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