Page 133 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 133
Traditional Salt-Baked Chicken
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
光鸡 1只(约1500克) 1 whole chicken (about 1500 grams)
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredient
海盐(粗盐) 3000克 3000 grams coarse sea salt
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将光鸡清洗干净,沥干水分后,用海盐均匀地涂 1. Clean the chicken thoroughly and drain it. Rub the
抹鸡身内外,腌制2小时以入味。腌制完成后, chicken inside and out evenly with sea salt, then
用清水冲洗干净,晾干备用。 marinate for 2 hours to allow the flavours to pene-
2. 用白纱纸和草纸将腌制好的鸡分两层包裹,确保 trate. After marinating, rinse the chicken and let it air
鸡身和鸡腿都包实,避免盐直接接触鸡身。 dry.
3. 将海盐放入大锅中,用中火加热,翻炒至盐粒跳 2. Wrap the marinated chicken with a layer of white
动、香气四溢,炒干后取出一半,铺入大沙煲底 gauze paper and then with straw paper, ensuring the
部。 entire chicken, including legs, is securely wrapped to
4. 将包裹好的鸡放入沙煲中的热海盐上,再用另一 prevent direct contact with the salt.
半的热海盐覆盖鸡身。盖上锅盖,用小火焗制两 3. Heat the coarse sea salt in a large wok over medium
小时。在焗制的过程中,海盐会吸收鸡肉的水 heat, stirring until the salt grains begin to pop and
分,同时盐的热量会慢慢渗透到鸡肉中,使鸡肉 release a fragrant aroma. Once dry, transfer half of
熟透。 the heated salt and spread it evenly at the bottom of
5. 制完成后,将鸡从盐中取出,去掉纱纸和草纸, a large clay pot.
用手撕成块摆盘,即可上桌。 4. Place the wrapped chicken on top of the hot salt in
the clay pot. Cover the chicken with the remaining
■ 风味特色 hot salt. Put the lid on the pot and bake on low heat
味香浓郁,皮爽肉滑。 for 2 hours. During this process, the salt will absorb
the moisture from the chicken while the heat from
the salt will gradually penetrates the chicken, ensur-
ing it cooks evenly.
5. Once done, remove the chicken from the salt, un-
wrap it and shred the chicken by hand. Arrange on a
plate and serve.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Rich and aromatic, with tender, juicy meat and smooth,
flavourful skin.