Page 137 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 137
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
光鸭 一只(约1500克) 1 whole duck
(白鸭或番鸭麻) (preferably a Muscovy or Pekin duck, about 1500 grams)
■ Auxiliary Ingredients
■ 辅料 50 grams minced lean pork
瘦肉碎 50克 20 grams minced dried scallops
瑶柱碎 20克 20 grams diced mushrooms
香菇粒 20克 20 grams red beans
红豆 20克 20 grams Chinese barley
薏米 20克 20 grams peanuts
花生 20克 20 grams lotus seeds
300 grams glutinous rice
莲子 20克 20 grams diced ginger
糯米 300克 10 grams chopped green onions
姜粒 20克 ■ Seasonings
葱花 10克 3 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon MSG
■ 调料 1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
食盐 3茶匙 1 teaspoon white ground pepper
味精 1茶匙 3000 grams cooking oil (for frying)
酱油 1汤匙 1 tablespoon cooking wine (huā diāo)
白糖 1茶匙 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
胡椒粉 1茶匙 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
食用油((炸制用) 3000克 2 tablespoon starch slurry
花雕酒 1汤匙 ■ Method
生抽 1汤匙 1. Carefully debone the duck, ensuring the whole duck
老抽 1汤匙 remains intact. Rub the duck with salt and cooking
水淀粉 2汤匙 wine, and let it marinate, set aside.
2. Heat the wok and add appropriate amount of oil to
■ 制作流程 heat. Stir-fry the minced pork with diced ginger and
1. 将鸭子去骨完整取出(保持鸭身完整),用食盐 chopped green onions until fragrant. Add the dried
scallops and mushrooms, continue to stir-fry until fra-
和花雕酒腌制入味,备用。 grant. Then, add the lotus seeds, red beans, Chinese
2. 将锅烧热放入适量的油加热,放入瘦肉粒、葱花 barley and peanuts into the wok to stir-fry. Season
和姜粒爆香,再加入瑶柱和香菇煸香。随后将莲 with spices and mix well with the soaked glutinous
子、红豆、薏米和花生米加入锅中翻炒,加入调 rice to make the stuffing.
料调味后,与糯米混合均匀制成馅料。 3. Fill the marinated duck with the prepared stuffing.
3. 将制好的馅料填入腌制好的鸭腹内,用鹅尾针将 Use a trussing needle to sew the opening and ensure
that the duck is sealed.
开口缝合,封好鸭身。 4. Rub the stuffed duck evenly with dark soy sauce for
4. 将填充好的鸭身表面均匀涂抹老抽上色,放入油 colouring. Deep-fry the duck until it turns a deep
锅炸至大红色。随后取出,放入蒸锅中用中火蒸 red colour. Remove the duck from oil and transfer to
一小时。 a steamer. Steam the duck over medium heat for 1
5. 上菜前,取出缝合鸭身的针线,将蒸制后的原汁 hour.
勾芡淋上鸭身上,撒上葱花,即可上桌。 5. Before serving, remove the trussing needle. Thicken
the duck’s original steaming juices with starch slurry
and pour it over the duck and sprinkle with chopped
■ 风味特色 green onions. Serve hot.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Golden colour, fragrant aroma, nutritious and delicious.