Page 201 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 201
Rising High Dish
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
新鲜冬笋 500克 500 grams fresh winter bamboo shoots
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
三层猪肉 100克 100 grams pork belly
香菇 2个 2 mushrooms
干鱿鱼 50克 50 grams dried squid
豆干片(香料豆干) 1个 1 piece of spiced dried tofu
蒜白 50克 50 grams white garlic stalks
二汤 50克 50 grams light broth
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
鱼露 1茶匙 1 teaspoon fish sauce
蚝油 1茶匙 1 teaspoon oyster sauce
胡椒粉 半茶匙 ½ teaspoon ground pepper
水淀粉 1汤匙 1 tablespoon cornstarch slurry
客家娘酒 1汤匙 1 tablespoon Hakka glutinous rice wine (niáng jiǔ)
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将三层猪肉切丁;香菇、干鱿鱼、豆干片、蒜白 1. Cut the pork belly into small cubes. Slice the mush-
和冬笋切成丝。将冬笋放入沸水中焯烫,捞起沥 rooms, dried squid, dried tofu, white garlic stalks and
干备用。 winter bamboo shoots. Blanch the bamboo shoots in
2. 将锅烧热后,煸炒三层猪肉,直至出油。加入香 boiling water, drain and set aside.
菇丝和干鱿鱼丝继续煸炒。 2. Heat the wok and render the fat from the pork belly.
3. 加入冬笋丝,沿锅边攒入客家娘酒,翻炒均匀。 Add the mushrooms slices and dried squid strips, and
接着加入豆干,倒入二汤,再加入鱼露、蚝油和 continue to stir-fry until fragrant.
胡椒粉调味。 3. Add the bamboo shoots strips and drizzle Hakka glu-
4. 出锅前加入蒜白翻炒,最后倒入水淀粉勾芡,翻 tinous rice wine along the edge of the wok. Stir-fry
拌均匀即可。 evenly. Then add the dried tofu, pour in the light
broth and season with fish sauce, oyster sauce and
■ 风味特色 ground pepper.
不粘连且有嚼劲,香口锅气浓。 4. Before removing from heat, add the white garlic
stalks and stir-fry briefly. Finally, thicken the sauce
with the cornstarch slurry. Mix well and serve.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Distinct and chewy, fragrant with a strong wok aroma.