Page 211 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 211
Steamed Bream Fish with Olive Paste
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
鳊鱼 1条(约750克) 1 bream fish about 750 grams
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
橄榄散 30克 30 grams olive paste
姜丝 10克 10 grams shredded ginger
葱丝 10克 10 grams shredded green onions
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
胡椒粉 1茶匙 1 teaspoon of ground pepper
蒸鱼豉油 1汤匙 1 tablespoon soy sauce for steamed fish
花生油 1汤匙 1 tablespoon peanut oil
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将鳊鱼宰杀后清洗干净,摆入盘中,将橄榄散均 1. Clean the bream fish thoroughly after gutting it.
匀地铺在鳊鱼面上。 Place it on a plate and evenly spread the olive paste
2. 将鱼放入蒸锅,大火蒸制12分钟取出,撒上姜 on the fish.
丝、葱丝和胡椒粉。 2. Place the fish in a steamer and steam over high heat
3. 将花生油加热至冒烟,迅速地淋在蒸鱼上,然后 for 12 minutes. Remove it from the steamer and
再淋上蒸鱼豉油,即可上桌。 sprinkle shredded ginger, shredded green onions and
ground pepper over the fish.
■ 风味特色 3. Heat peanut oil until it starts to smoke, then imme-
肉质鲜嫩,风味独特。 diately dizzle it over the steamed fish. Then drizzle
with steamed fish soy sauce over the fish and serve
■ Flavour Characteristics
Fresh and tender meat with a unique flavour.