Page 215 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 215


            Tie Rice Roll

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            粘米浆                200克                            200g sticky rice slurry
            (粘米粉1:清水1.8)                                       (sticky rice flour: water ratio is 1:1.8)

            ■ 馅料                                               ■ Filling
            玉米                                                 Corn
            豆角                                                 Beans
            猪肉                                                 Pork
            鲜笋                                                 Fresh bamboo shoots
            豆干                                                 Dried tofu
            韭菜或单一口味                                            Chives, or any single-flavour filling

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  使用抽屉式肠粉炉,舀一勺米浆倒入抽屉内,均                          1.  Use a drawer-style rice roll steamer. Pour a ladle of
                匀铺开。                                              rice slurry into the steaming drawer, spread it evenly.
            2.  大火蒸制40秒,取出蒸好的粄皮,舀一勺馅料放                         2.  Steam over high heat for 40 seconds. Remove the
                在粄皮上,将粄皮掀起包裹馅料,捆成长条状即                             steamed sheet and place a spoonful of filling onto
                可。                                                it. Lift the steamed sheet to wrap the filling, rolling it
                                                                  into a long strip.
            ■ 风味特色
            皮薄馅料选择多,口味丰富。                                      ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Thin skin with ample filling, offering a variety of flavours.

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