Page 35 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 35
Braised Stuffed Tofu
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
白豆腐 500克 500 grams white tofu
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
五花肉 300克 300 grams pork belly
100 grams fish fillet
鱼肉 100克 4 mushrooms (2 chopped for filling, 2 sliced for braising)
香菇 4只(2只切粒用于制作馅料, 20 grams chopped green onions
2只切块用于红烧) 20 grams green onion segments
葱花 20克 30 grams tomatoes
葱段 20克 100 grams light broth
西红柿 30克
二汤 100克 ■ Seasonings
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon MSG
■ 调料 1 teaspoon light soy sauce
食盐 1汤匙 1 tablespoon cornstarch
味精 1茶匙 2 tablespoons slurry starch
生抽 1茶匙 2000 grams cooking oil (for frying)
生粉 1汤匙
水淀粉 2汤匙 ■ Method
1. Remove the skin from the pork belly and mince fine-
食用油(炸制用) 2000克 ly. Mince the fish meat. Place the minced pork and
the fish meat in a large bowl. Add salt, MSG, chopped
■ 制作流程 mushrooms, chopped green onions and cornstarch.
1. 将五花肉去皮剁碎, 鱼肉剁碎,一同放入盆中。 Mix well and knead until cohesive to form the filling.
加入食盐、味精、香菇粒、葱花和生粉,搅拌均 2. Cut the tofu diagonally into triangles. Scoop out a
匀,用手摔打,制成馅料。 small hole on the slanted side and stuff it with the
meat filling. Arrange the stuffed tofu on a plate.
2. 将白豆腐对角切成三角形。在斜面挖出一个小 3. Place the plate of stuffed tofu into a steamer and
孔,酿入肉馅后整齐摆放在盘中。 steam over high heat for 12 minutes. Remove from
3. 将盘子放入蒸锅,大火蒸制12分钟。蒸好后取 the steamer and let cool.
出,放凉备用。 4. Heat the wok and add cooking oil to heat, deep fry
4. 将锅烧热后加入食用油加热,将酿豆腐炸至金黄 the stuffed tofu until it turns golden brown, then re-
move and drain the excess oil.
色,捞出沥油备用。 5. Heat the wok and add a small amount of oil to heat.
5. 将锅烧热后加入少许油加热,煸香香菇及西红 Stir-fry the mushrooms and tomatoes until fragrant.
柿。倒入炸好的酿豆腐,加入二汤、食盐、味精 Add the fried stuffed tofu, light broth, salt, MSG and
和生抽一起焖煮。待汤汁浓稠时,加入葱段,用 light soy sauce. Simmer the tofu until the broth is re-
水淀粉勾芡,翻拌均匀后装盘即可。 duced. Add the green onion segments and thicken
the sauce with a starch slurry. Toss gently to coat,
and serve.
■ 风味特色
■ Flavour Characteristics
Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside and rich aroma.