Page 55 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 55
Grass Carp Fish Balls
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
鲩鱼 2000克 2000 grams grass carp
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
生粉 200克 200 grams cornstarch
鸡蛋清 2个 2 egg whites
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
食盐 1汤匙 1 tablespoon salt
味精 1茶匙 1 teaspoon MSG
冰水 100克 100 grams ice water
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将鲩鱼宰杀清理干净,去骨、去皮、去红肉,切 1. Clean and debone the grass carp, remove the skin
成小块放入料理机中,加入冰水,打成鱼蓉后放 and red meat. Cut the fish into small pieces and place
大盆中。 them in a blender with ice water. Blend them into a
2. 加入食盐、味精、生粉和蛋清,用力朝一个方向 smooth fish paste then transfer to a large bowl.
使劲搭打,直至鱼泥变得顺滑黏稠,具有弹性。 2. Add the salt, MSG, cornstarch and egg whites to the
3. 准备一锅冷水,用左手虎口挤出鱼丸,用匙羹舀 fish paste. Mix and beat the mixture vigorously in
出放入冷水中,待全部丸子挤完后再开火,煮至 one direction until it becomes smooth, sticky and
鱼丸浮起即熟,捞出放凉即可。 elastic.
3. Prepare a pot of cold water. Squeeze the fish paste
■ 风味特色 through your thumb and index finger, and use a
软嫩弹牙,洁白鲜美。 spoon to scoop out small balls, place them into the
cold water. Once all the balls are made, bring the wa-
ter to a boil and cook until the fish balls float to the
surface. Remove them and let cool.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Soft, bouncy and delicately white with a fresh taste.