Page 95 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 95


            Stir-fried Fist Cakes

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            低筋面粉               500克                            500 grams low-gluten flour
            清水                 200克                            200 grams water

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            蒜蓉                  10克                            10 grams minced garlic
            葱花                  10克                            10 grams chopped green onions

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            鱼露                半茶匙                              ½ teaspoon fish sauce
            生抽                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon light soy sauce
            猪油                 1汤匙                             1 tablespoon lard
            胡椒粉                1茶匙                             1 teaspoon ground pepper

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将低筋面粉加入清水,揉成光滑的的面团,然后                          1.  Mix  the  low-gluten  flour  with  water,  knead  into  a
                分成均匀的小份,捏成一个个厚薄一致的的圆形                             smooth  dough.  Divide  it  into  even  portions  and
                粄胚。                                               shape them into uniformly thick round cakes.
            2.  锅中烧水,水开后放入粄胚煮熟,捞出后迅速放                          2.  Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the rice cakes and
                入冷水中降温,再沥干水分备用。                                   cook  until  done.  Remove  and  quickly  submerge  in
            3.  将锅烧热放入猪油加热,煸香蒜蓉,倒入粄胚翻                             cold water to cool , then drain the excess water. Bring
                炒,加入鱼露、生抽和胡椒粉调味,撒上葱花后                             water to a boil in a pot, add the rice cakes and cook
                即可出锅。                                             until they float to the surface and are fully cooked.
                                                                  Remove  them,  quickly  submerge  in  cold  water  to
            ■ 风味特色                                                cool, then drain and set aside.
            面香浓郁,劲道弹牙。                                         3.  Heat  the  wok  and  add  lard  to  heat.  Stir-fry  the
                                                                  minced garlic until fragrant, then add the rice cakes
                                                                  and stir-fry. Season with fish sauce, light soy sauce
                                                                  and ground pepper. Sprinkle with chopped green on-
                                                                  ions and serve.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Rich flour aroma with a chewy texture.

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