Page 52 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 52

罗汉                                        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


                            In  Theravada  Buddhism,  arahant,  literally  a  “worthy  one,”  has                                                                                        罗 汉 , 是 阿 罗 汉 的 简 称 , 含 有 杀 贼 、

                            reached the highest of the four levels of awakening recognized                                                                                               ⽆ ⽣ 、 应 供 等 义 。 杀 贼 是 杀 尽 烦 恼 之

                            in  early  Buddhism  and  has  thereby  become  totally  free  from                                                                                          贼 , ⽆ ⽣ 是 解 脱 ⽣ 死 不 受 后 有 , 应 供

                            defilements  and  gone  beyond  rebirth  in  any  form.  The  most                                                                                           是 应 受 天 上 ⼈ 间 的 供 养 。 是 伟 ⼤ 的 佛

                            basic requirement for the gain of arahantship, however, is the                                                                                               陀得法弟⼦修证最⾼的果位。

                            existence of a Buddha, since due to his teaching the path to all

                            of the stages of awakening is revealed to humanity.                                                                                                          释 迦 牟 尼 佛 为 使 佛 法 在 佛 灭 度 后 能 流

                                                                                                                                                                                         传 后 世 , 使 众 ⽣ 有 听 闻 佛 法 的 机 缘 ,
                            Arahant,  translated  into  Chinese  as  Lohan,  is  one  who  has                                                                                           嘱 咐 ⼗ 六 罗 汉 永 住 世 间 , 分 局 各 地 弘

                            followed  the  Eightfold  Path  and  has  achieved  deliverance  of                                                                                          扬 佛 法 , 利 益 众 ⽣ 。 佛 教 传 到 中 国

                            this  earthly  existence.  Lohans  are  well-known  for  their  great                                                                                        后 , ⼗ 六 罗 汉 成 为 艺 术 家 创 作 的 题

                            wisdom, courage and supernatural power. Due to their abilities                                                                                               材 , 后 来 演 变 成 为 ⼗ ⼋ 罗 汉 ,  乃 ⾄

                            to  ward  off  the  evil,  Lohans  have  become  guardian  angels  of                                                                                        五百罗汉。

                            the Buddhist temple and there in the main hall standing guard

                            are  the  ever-present,  indomitable-looking  18  Lohan  figures,

                            sometimes accompanied by 500 or more lesser Lohans.
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