Page 54 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 54

Dharma Protectors                                                                                         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


                         Four Heavenly Kings:                                                               Four Heavenly Kings:                                                               四天王,⼜称护世四天王或四⼤⾦剛,

                         The  Four  Heavenly  Kings  are                                                                                                                                       是佛教著名护法神, 他们分别是:

                         four  deities  that  reside  in  the                                               • Vaisravana – Chief of the four

                         lowest  heavenly  realm  within                                                    kings  and  protector  of  the                                                     • 北⽅多闻天王:“多闻”意为颇精通佛

                         Buddhist cosmology. Each deity                                                     north, he who hears everything                                                     法, 以福、德闻于四⽅

                         watches                  over             one           cardinal

                         direction of the world. They are                                                   • Dhrtarastra – King of the east,                                                  • 东⽅持国天王:“持国”意为慈悲为

                         said  to  “serve  as  protectors  of                                               he who upholds the realm                                                           怀,保护众⽣,护持国⼟

                         the  dharma  and  of  sentient

                         beings  who  are  devoted  to  the                                                 •  Virudhaka  –  King  of  the                                                     • 南⽅增⻓天王:“增⻓”意为能传令众

                         dharma”.                   The           Hall            of        the             south, he who causes to grow                                                       ⽣, 增⻓善根,护持佛法

                         Heavenly  Kings  is  a  standard

                         component of Chinese Buddhist                                                      • Virupaksa – King of the west,                                                    • 西⽅⼴⽬天王:“⼴⽬”意为能以淨天

                         temples.                     Standing                       beside                 he who sees all                                                                    眼随 时观察世界,护持⼈⺠

                         Maitreya  Buddha  are  the  four

                         Heavenly Guardians or Dharma

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