Page 9 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 9
Amitabha Buddha \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Amitabha, (“Infinite Light”) would be reborn in his 阿 弥 陀 佛 , ⼜ 名 ⽆ 量 光 佛 (Amitabha),
also called Amitayus paradise and would reside ⽆ 量 寿 佛 (Amitayus), 在 过 去 久 远 劫 时
(“Infinite Life”), Japanese there in bliss until they had 曾 ⽴ 四 ⼗ ⼋ ⼤ 愿 , 建 ⽴ 西 ⽅ 净 ⼟ , ⼴ 度
Amida, Chinese Emituo Fo, in attained enlightenment. ⽆ 边 众 ⽣ , 成 就 ⽆ 量 庄 严 功 德 。 ⼤ 乘 经
Mahayana Buddhism, and Having accomplished his 如 《 ⽆ 量 寿 经 》 、 《 阿 弥 陀 经 》 、 《 观
particularly in the so-called vows, Dharmakara reigned as ⽆ 量 寿 佛 经 》, 对 阿 弥 陀 佛 及 其 西 ⽅ 极 乐
Pure Land sects, the great the Buddha Amitabha in the 世 界 均 有 详 细 描 述 。 阿 弥 陀 佛 造 像 双 ⼿
saviour buddha. In the Western Paradise, called 多 结 施 ⽆ 畏 印 和 与 愿 印 , 或 ⼀ ⼿ 持 莲
Sukhavati-vyuha-sutras (the Sukhavati, the Pure Land. 华 , 代 表 阿 弥 陀 佛 以 莲 华 接 引 众 ⽣ 往 ⽣
fundamental scriptures of the When not depicted alone, 西⽅极乐净⼟。
Pure Land sects), many ages Amitabha is often portrayed
ago a monk named with two assistants: 西 ⽅ 三 圣 , 指 的 是 西 ⽅ 极 乐 世 界 三 尊 主
Dharmakara made a number Avalokitesvara on the left 要 的 佛 菩 萨 , 中 间 是 阿 弥 陀 佛 , 左 边 观
of vows, the 18th of which and Mahasthamaprapta on 世 ⾳ 菩 萨 , 右 边 ⼤ 势 ⾄ 菩 萨 。 阿 弥 陀 佛
promised that, on his the right, representing 是 代 表 ⽆ 量 光 明 , ⽆ 量 的 寿 命 , ⽆ 量 的
attaining buddhahood, all compassionate and wisdom 功 德 。 观 ⾳ 菩 萨 是 代 表 ⼤ 慈 ⼤ 悲 , ⼤ 势
who had faith in him and respectively. ⾄菩萨则是代表的是智慧。
who called upon his name