Page 6 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 6

Bhaisajyaguru                                                                      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


                        药师佛  Buddha

                        The  Medicine  Buddha,  or  Bhaisajyaguru,    is  as  his                                                                             药师琉璃光佛,或药师琉璃光如来, 亦称消灾延寿

                        name                  suggests                    connected                       with               healing.                         药师佛,简称药师佛,在《药师琉璃光如来本愿功

                        Bhaisajyaguru or Medicine Buddha is renowned not                                                                                      德经》中记载,药师佛通⾝透彻、蓝⾊如琉璃,清

                        only for his ability to heal illness but also his ability                                                                             净⽆染出柔光,故以“琉璃光”为功德名号;其成就

                        to neutralize past bad karma. Just remembering his                                                                                    和主管的净琉璃世界亦处处是琉璃净光。药师佛于

                        name  and  reading  his  twelve  vows  brings  healing.                                                                               过去久远劫修梵⾏,在电光如来住世时,曾发⼗⼆

                        The  Lapis  Lazuli  Medicine  Buddha  is  revered  in                                                                                 ⼤愿,愿为众⽣解除疾苦,使具⾜诸根,⾝相端

                        many  countries  by  different  names:  Sanye  Menla,                                                                                 正,资具丰饶,离诸横难等,并导⼊解脱,⽽以愿

                        Medicine  King,  Medicine  Guru,  Yaoshifo,  which  is                                                                                满故⽽成佛,住净琉璃世界,其国⼟庄严与西⽅极

                        highly  refined,  exquisite  and  dignified.  His  symbols                                                                            乐世界⽆有差别。药师佛⼿中持塔或药钵,左右两

                        are  either  the  medicine  bowl  or  pagoda.  When                                                                                   侧有脇侍菩萨:⽇光菩萨和⽉光菩萨。

                        depicted  alone,  he  holds  his  left  hand  and  his

                        prominent                    disciples,                 the          Great             Boddhisattvas

                        ‘Radiance of the Sun’  (Riguang Pusa) and ‘Radiance

                        of the Moon’ (Yueguang Pusa) .
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