Page 3 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 3
Shakyamuni Buddha \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Buddha discovered the universal truth: The Four Noble 佛 陀 证 悟 的 宇 宙 真 理 是 「 苦 、 集 、 灭 、 道 」 ,
Truth. The first truth is Dukkha (literally “suffering” but 由 苦 、 集 、 灭 、 道 ⽽ 展 开 ⼴ ⼤ ⽆ 边 的 佛 法 。 然
connoting “uneasiness” or “dissatisfaction”. The second ⽽ 这 只 是 佛 陀 就 真 理 的 本 体 ⽽ 设 定 的 义 理 层
truth that misery originates within the craving for 次 , 经 过 了 世 间 的 实 践 , 就 发 展 成 为 「 四 弘 誓
pleasure and for being or nonbeing (samudaya), the 愿」:
third truth is that this craving can be eliminated
(nirodhu), and the fourth truth is that this elimination 所谓苦谛,因为众⽣多苦,
is the result of following a methodical way or path 所以发愿「众⽣⽆边誓愿度」
The four great vows of the Bodhisattva are based on 所以发愿「烦恼⽆尽誓愿断」
the Four Noble Truth. The four Great Vows:
Living beings are limitless; I vow to deliver them. 所以发愿「法⻔⽆量誓愿学」
Mental afflictions are inexhaustible; I vow to cut them
off. 所谓灭谛,为使众⽣证果,
Dharma gates are incalculable; I vow to practice them. 所以发愿「佛道⽆上誓愿成」
The Buddha way is unsurpassed; I vow to attain it. 恭录星云⼤师《从四圣谛到四弘誓愿》