Page 2 - Siddhartha Gautama Buddha Teacher of Gods & Men
P. 2


           THE LEGENDe Prince who became the BUDDHA

                 Buddhism, the teachings                                               ritual and rites, the                                                    who lived like any other

                 of Gautama Buddha, is one                                             ttraction of this thriving                                               human being that walked

                 of the most ancient belief                                            philosophy of more than 25                                               on earth and had an

                 systems in the world,                                                 centuries empowers the                                                   internal personal

                 dating back to the 5th                                                human individual around                                                  revelation to seek release

                 century before Christ.                                                one’s moral ethics and the                                               from suffering when he

                 Today, an insight into its                                            great possibilities of the                                               saw the 4 omens which

                 long and rich Asian history                                           human mind, devoid of                                                    inspired him to sought

                 spans right across the                                                external interference. Only                                              and, eventually, gained

                 globe with uncanny                                                    your own understanding                                                   enlightenment. He was

                 influence into the Western                                            saves you from suffering.                                                called the Buddha, the All-

                 culture. The philosophy                                                                                                                        Knowing One. The Prince                                               (尼泊尔 Nepal: 2006)

                 had travelled through                                                 The legend in Buddhism                                                   underwent a life-changing

                 2560 years and marked                                                 has it that the devas                                                    personal transformation

                 out a path that leads                                                 [heavenly beings] residing                                               when he saw life in the

                 directly from ancient                                                 in Tavatimsa Heaven                                                      palace was so much

                 society to the modern                                                 announced that it was time                                               different to the life in

                 world.                                                                for a Buddha to arise in the                                             reality outside the palace.

                                                                                       world for the sake of

                 Instead of focusing on                                                humanity. Gautama                                                                                 (泰国 Thailand: 1978)

                 tradition and convention,                                             Buddha was born a Prince,
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