Page 3 - The Joyous Moments of Wesak 摄·享卫塞喜悦
P. 3



           疫情浓罩,人心惶惶,                                  It is a difficult time.

           生命安危,提心吊胆,                                  With the pandemic raging on,
           生计难测,前途茫茫。                                  many are  feeling restless,loosing

           此时此刻,需要一份喜悦,                                hope.
           来增添吉祥,加强信心。                                 It is at this difficult time that we

           为此,                                         need a few moments of joy to
           马佛基金会邀请各位,                                  bring back a sense of peace and

           在卫塞吉祥月期间,                                   hope.
           用手机捕捉美好的时刻,                                 Hence, the YBBM launched this

           互相分享,互相鼓励。                                  Shoot and Share activity in this
           马佛基金会回赠每位参与者, auspicious month of Wesak.

           一本佛教邮票画集,                                   Just capture the joyous moments
           聊表心意,                                       with your hand phone and share.

           感谢大家的温情。                                    A moment of joy shared a
           邮票虽小,                                       thousand times become a

           却承载着千年文化,                                   thousand moments of joy.
           无量法力,                                       In appreciation of your sharing,

           希望你会喜欢。                                     we are sharing with you an ebook
                                                       on Buddhist stamps. Stamps are

                                                       small, but they carried with them

                                                       culture of thousands of years, and

                                                       boundless power of the Dharma.
                                                       We hope you will like it.

                                           YBBM Chairman Dato’ Ang Choo Hong
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