Page 4 - The Joyous Moments of Wesak 摄·享卫塞喜悦
P. 4


                                                  浴佛の偈                        Honoured Lord,

                                                  稽首大聖薄伽梵                     Perfected with the
                                                  天上天下両足尊                     virtue of Bliss &

                                                  我等今以功德水                     Wisdom unmatched
                                                  潅浴如来浄法身                     in both heavens &
                                                                              earth, As & all

                                                  Verse of bathing of         others pour this
                                                  Prince Siddhartha           meritorious water,

                                                                              May it cleanse the
                                                  I pay Homage to the  Lord's Dharma Body
                                                  Great sagely World  of Truth.



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