Page 2 - World Buddhist Heritage Through Stamps
P. 2


                 LUMBINI The Birthplace of the Lord Buddha

                 Year of Inscription: 1997

                 LUMBINI is a Buddhist pilgrimage site in Nepal. It

                 is  the  place  where  Queen  Maya  Devi  gave  birth

                 to Siddhartha Gautama in 563 BC.

                 The  Maya  Devi  temple  is  one  of  the  major

                 attractions  of  Lumbini.  The  later  temple  is  a

                 white  building  that  protects  the  exact  spot  of                                                                                   池塘 Holy Pond                                                   蓝毗尼园 Lumbini

                 Buddha’s  birth,  denoted  by  a  marker  stone.                                                                                   (尼泊尔 Nepal: 2009)                                                (尼泊尔 Nepal: 2012)

                 Another attraction is Ashokan Pillar, where at the

                 top  of  the  pillar  there  is  an  inscription  that

                 describes  King  Asoka’s  visit  and  the  importance

                 of  Lumbini  as  the  birthplace  of  Lord  Buddha.

                 Also  found  within  Lumbini  is  Puskami,  or  Holy

                 Pond,  where  Buddha’s  mother  took  a  ritual  dip

                 prior to his birth and where he had his first bath.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    阿育王⽯柱碑⽂ Inscription on Asoka Pillar

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (尼泊尔 Nepal: 1999)
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