Page 66 - World Buddhist Heritage Through Stamps
P. 66
Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area
Cultural heritage-rich temple
Year of Inscription: 1993 法隆寺 Horyu-ji
(⽇本 Japan: 1967)
There are around 48 Buddhist Horyu-ji is one of the most celebrated
monuments in the Horyu-ji area, in temples in Japan, with its main hall and
Nara Prefecture. Several of them are pagoda believed to be some of the
date from the late 7th or early 8th oldest surviving wooden buildings in the
century AD, making them some of the world, dating from the 7th to 8th
oldest surviving wooden buildings in centuries AD. The bronze-made Yakushi 药师如来坐像
the world. These masterpieces of Nyorai (Medicine Buddha) sitting in the Yakushi Nyorai
wooden architecture are important not Kondo (sanctuary Hall) illustrated (⽇本 Japan: 1989)
only for the history of art, but they have Korean Buddhist art style. Another
also shown the implementation of national treasures, the “Baekje Guanyin”
Chinese Buddhist architecture and statue is also a typical Korean style.
layout to Japanese culture. At the same The Asuka Period’s bronzed gold-plated
time, it also illustrated the introduction Mayadevi statue and the sitting Maitreya
of Buddhism to Japan from China by Buddha in the Nara era in Horyu-ji are 摩耶夫⼈像
way of the Korean peninsula. important national treasures of Japan. Mayadevi statue
(⽇本 Japan: 1981)