Page 132 - Applied Buddhism
P. 132

Tonight, I would like to share with you some of the serious                   the peaceful message of the Buddha, the principle of non-violence,
           challenges facing Buddhism today.                                                 the respect for all lives, the mental culture approach of Buddhism,
                                                                                             offer an effective alternative to the world?  This is the first challenge.
               The Challenge of Present Day Global Politics.
                                                                                                 The Challenge of Economic Globalisation.
               The political thought behind today’s global politics is one of
           divisive dualism. Politicians and laymen both view politics from                      The globalised economy today is the economy of Greed, which
           the perspective of God  against Satan, good against bad, Islam                    is more appropriately called Greedbalisation. The axis on which it
           against non-Muslims, Jews against non-Jews, the powerful against                  spins is Greed. Greed has always been with us, but it has never been
           the  powerless,  and  so on.   This  line  of  thought is  prevalent  not         exploited  to present  day magnitude.  In this Greedbalisation,  the
           only in international politics, but also in national and local politics.          world is up for grabs.  Everything is permissible so long as it fulfils
           Human beings are more divided than ever before. Although many                     our greed. There is no regard for morals and ethics. Materialism,
           people disagree with Samuel Huntington’s prophesy of “Clash of                    sensational culture, pornography, drugs, domination of the superrich
           Civilisations”, yet unconsciously they are more and more drawn                    over the poor, exploitation of resources, etc. are the characteristic
           to making decisions and taking actions based on this simple line of               features of our present day global economy.
           thought, thus making Huntington’s prophesy self-fulfilling.
                                                                                                 In Greedbalisation, money takes center stage, and human beings
               We are all aware that this kind of politics  has disastrous                   are pushed to the peripheral. But in the Buddhist world view, man
           consequences for the world.  When everybody claims to be the good                 has the central  position. Thus, it makes Buddhism diametrically
           guy and is bent on punishing the bad guys, the world will never                   opposed to Greedbalisation. Can the two opposing forces co-exist?
           be a peaceful place to live in. When we are formed into “cultural                 Can Buddhism survive the challenges of Greedbalisation? Can it
           blocks”, willingly or unwillingly, and seeing the other cultural                  offer an alternative to the world? How can Buddhists live their lives
           blocks as threats, we are in effect turning the world into a battle               in a world where Greed is institutionalised?
           field. The situation is aggravated when cultural kinship takes on a
           religious tone.                                                                       Already there are indications that some Buddhist organisations
                                                                                             and temples are succumbing to the temptations of Greedbalisation.
               The  Buddhist  line  of thought,  based  on the  principle  of                More and more people readily apply the yardstick used in
           Dependant  Origination,  is  pluralistic  and  liberal  in  nature.  It  is       Greedbalisation to measure the success of temples and organisations
           one that promotes mutual appreciation, peaceful co-existence, and                 – the funds they possess, the size of the temples,  the political
           harmonious living. Can the Buddhist line of thought survive the                   connection, the height of the images, etc.  Becoming a Buddhist has
           challenge of divisive dualism? Will Buddhism also be swallowed                    now become a costly affair since one has to contribute endlessly to
           by this politics of divisive dualism? Or, on a more positive note, can            fund mega-infrastructures. There seems to be a keen competition to

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