Page 134 - Applied Buddhism
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erect the tallest or biggest Buddha image all over the world.                     of the Bible and the stick of cannon balls, they were much more
                                                                                             successful.  The  heinous  crimes  and  atrocities  committed  by the
               At the micro level, Buddhist activities now tend to be more                   colonists and the missionaries have been proven, some of which
           secular  and sensational  than before. It is not uncommon  to see                 the present Pope has offered apologies.
           revealing and seductive dancers performing at Buddhist functions.
           What is even more surprising is that some of these dance troupes                      Desmond Tutu, the  Nobel Prize laureate,  and archbishop of
           were trained and sponsored by temples.  Some of them genuinely                    Johannesburg, commented  that,  “Before  the  missionaries  came,
           do not know that there have succumbed to the sensate culture of the               we owned our land, and held our bread in our hands. Then they
           present day.                                                                      came, with Bibles in their hands. They said, lets pray. And so we
                                                                                             closed our eyes and prayed. When we opened our eyes, we found
               Greedbalisation also means widening of the gap between the                    the Bibles in our hands, and their hands holding our bread and their
           rich and poor, making the poorer nations much more dependant                      legs standing on our lands.”
           on the richer  nations than before. Colonisation in the past had
           impoverished  many  nations and present  day Greedablisation                          Today, during the period  of globalisation,  the Christian
           has aggravated  the situation further. Many Buddhist countries,                   missionaries have launched their third wave of assault on the East.
           unfortunately, were such victims, who are now fully exploited by
           the richer nations. Saddled with poverty and other accompanying                       The efforts to convert Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Muslims and
           problems, these countries could not defend their own sovereignty                  other non-Christians is now carried out on a worldwide scale, by
           let alone contribute to the development of Buddhism.                              business-like church organisations and NGOs backed by rich and
                                                                                             powerful nations. With their powerful machinery and multi-billion
               The Challenge of Unethical Conversion by Christians                           dollar funding, they seek converts using unscrupulous, unethical
           NGOs                                                                              and manipulative means. Some, like World Vision, carry out their
                                                                                             missionary objectives under the cloak of charity. They raised funds
               It is a historical fact that Christian missionaries of different              from the ignorant but wealthy Buddhists and then channeled them
           denominations have attempted to convert the East since about 7                    to convert the poor Buddhists somewhere else. Sri Lanka, Thailand,
           CE  (300 years after the founding of Christianity since Christianity              Mongolia, India, Cambodia are all targets of mass conversion. The
           as a religion only emerged during the 4th CE). Missionaries of the                unethical approach has compelled certain states in India, like Tamil
           Nestorian church arrived in China during the Tang Dynasty. The                    Naidu and Orrisa to pass  an anti-unethical  conversion law, and
           mission, however, was not very successful.                                        a similar proposal is being considered by the Government of Sri

               The second wave of Christian missionary assault came during
           the period of colonisation. This time around, armed with the carrot                   Mass conversion disrupts the harmony within the community,

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