Page 169 - Applied Buddhism
P. 169

refined level, it cannot be denied that in a world where terrorism   In recent  decades,  Christianity, riding  on the wave of
 is always a possibility, people live in fear and worry, but this is   globalisation, has swept through many traditional Buddhist grounds.
 where the message of peace taught by the Buddha provides the best   Tens of thousands of Christian NGOs and churches, supported by
 antidote. Thus, when human beings cannot find answers to their   their governments, are invading these areas in a scale unseen before
 problems in the current global culture, they can find an alternative   in human history.  They adopted military-like  strategies in their
 solution in Buddhism.   efforts to conquer the faiths of others.  (For a more detail grasp of
        this scenario please read the chapter on Global Evangelisation in
 There  is  evidence  to  this.  After  the  September  11  tragedy,   this book)
 Buddhism  gradually  gained  world-wide  attention.    Wherever
 the Dalai Lama goes, hundreds of thousands of people gathered   When a religion is bent on converting every human being into
 to listen to him.  People wanted to know what Buddhism has to   its own faith, even to the extent of adopting unethical means, other
 offer to the world.  Buddhism has also become an active member   religions would not sit still. This will definitely result in vicious
 in inter-religious dialogues.  Hence, it may be seen that Buddhism   competition. Such a competition had transformed from wrestling
 can enrich the global culture.  Lay Buddhism can contribute in this   beneath the surface in the past to open confrontation today.  It
 direction by developing human resources and promoting Buddhist   would eventually  threaten  world peace.    When a  religion  tries
 culture at the intellectual level.  to convert others, it is not certain whether the new convert will
        enter heaven, but it is certain that hell will be created on earth –
 At the  masses level,  lay  Buddhists are  the  consumers of   the process of conversion brings about tremendous suffering to all
 popular culture, and may therefore make relevant contribution.  Lay   parties concerned right here on earth.
 Buddhists can produce cultural products such as films, books, CDs,
 calligraphy, pictures, paintings, etc. for mass distribution amongst   How do lay Buddhists response to such a threat? Firstly, lay
 the masses.  If these products can further be distributed to the West,   Buddhists must  be fully aware  of the  current  situation. Without
 it will help to counter the effects of cultural-dumping to the East by   such awareness, Buddhists will continue to indulge ourselves in
 the West.  self-satisfaction thinking that Buddhism has progressed very well.
        Only when there is awareness of the seriousness of the problem,
 v.   Counter evangelisation  will there be the will to act.  Further, lay Buddhists must develop
        a comprehensive  plan, which is based on the Dharma that  will
 In the wake of globalisation, one of the greatest challenges facing   protect  the  religion  while  avoiding  unhealthy  competition.    In
 Buddhism, and other non-Christian faiths such as Confucianism,   this  way Buddhism  will  be  offering  a  peaceful  solution  to  the
 Taoism, Islam and Orthodox Christianity is evangelisation and the   world.  Such a plan should consider how to harness the power of
 spread of Christian culture.  the masses to contribute to the development of Buddhism; how to
        improve Buddhist out-reach programs; how to support the weak

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