Page 167 - Applied Buddhism
P. 167
Economic globalisation is therefore in reality greedablisation. sustained if it is guided by a clear ideology based on the Dharma.
Besides greed, the other characteristics of this economy is hatred This is a task that lay Buddhists should be in the forefront. A living
and delusion. The result of such an economy is negative impact on example is the Buddhist New Village developed by the Kuching
human society such as a widening of income disparity in society, Buddhist Society.
destruction of the environment, ecological imbalance, wastage of
resources, and inequitable distribution of food. Many Buddhist iv. Enriching culture
countries have fallen victims to greedabilisation whereby they
become economically dependent on others, and incapable of self- A major characteristic of cultural globalisation is the destruction
sustenance. Eventually, the teachings of the Buddha is no longer of local cultures leading to a single global culture. In most cases the
appreciated and the tasks of Dharma propagation becomes difficult. culprit is American culture. This phenomenon may be analysed at
two levels. At the refined level, monotheistic theology, Christian
Such an economy also erodes Buddhism from within. There thought, scientific orientation, concept of “survival of the fittest”,
is a growing tendency amongst Buddhists to place emphasis on and Western values and ethics are fast spreading to different parts of
grandeur rather than practice. More and more Buddhists are inclined the world with globalisation. After September 11, Islam suddenly
to judge the success of Buddhism by the majesty of the temples and attracted world-wide attention. Islamic thought soon flowed into
the height of the images, rather than the beneficial activities carried various parts of the world. The current situation is such that the core
out. People began to respect wealth and power rather than wisdom of global culture is led by monotheism. Buddhism has no place in
and morality. it at all.
This is a great challenge to Buddhism. Lay Buddhists can be At the masses level, Western cultural products such as music,
innovative by seeking and experimenting with new alternatives to films, songs, dances, fashion, eating habits, consumerism, and
the current economic system. The Islamic economy promoted by liberalism are rapidly influencing different parts of the world.
Muslims is an example. There are many others who are promoting Such cultural influence serves Christianity well, which is closely
ecological farming, organic planting, alternative medicines, and associated with Western culture, but is a disadvantage to oriental
campaigning for simple living. religions such as Buddhism. For instance, in a society where
everyone adopts a Christian or Western name, one’s original Asian
In many countries, including Thailand, France and Malaysia, or Buddhist name would sound a little out of place. In a society
there are Buddhists who are working towards establishing alternative where consumerism and sexual liberalism thrive, it would be a big
ways of living which are more in tune with the Buddha’s teachings. challenge to observe simple living and moral precepts advocated
Those with like-minded thinking are living simple life-styles by Buddhism.
based on the teachings found in the Noble Eightfold Path. This is
important because an alternative lifestyle can only be effectively How do Buddhists respond to these severe challenges? At the
154 Applied Buddhism Applied Buddhism 155