Page 182 - Applied Buddhism
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Likewise,  Benny Liow, a Buddhist intellectual, had also done some
                                                                                             study on his contribution and  compiled his research into a coffee
               T he External                         Buddhist societies in                   table book titled a K. Sri Dhammananda – a Pictorial Retrospect in

                                                      tertiary institutions
           Success Factors                            were formed, not so                    1997 (BGF publication).  After his demise, Ven. Jimin, a Malaysian
                                                                                             nun now doing her PhD in  Taiwan, also did some research on
           of Ven.K.Sri                             students were inspired                   him, and presented a paper on the contribution  of  Ven. K. Sri
                                                     much because some
                                                                                             Dhammananda at the 2  International Conference on Malaysian
           Dhammananda’s                              by the Dharma but                      Buddhism.  I have also written a little booklet, Little Stories of a
                                                                                             Great Monk a few months after his demise.
                                                      more because they
           Missionary                                 felt a sense of crisis                     These documentations showed us how, through the personal

           Works                                      posed by Christian                     quality of Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, he was able to transform the
                                                        evangelisation.                      landscape of Malaysian Buddhism.  His personal qualities - such as
                                                                                             his Dharma missionary spirit, his exemplary leadership, his literary
                                                                                             and oratory skills, his dignified yet approachable personality, and
                                                                                             his wits and wisdom, are beyond doubt the critical factors that led
               Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda is undoubtedly one of the most                   to his success in carrying out missionary works in Malaysia.
           prominent Buddhist monks who has contributed significantly to the
           development of Malaysian Buddhism.  His missionary activities                         While acknowledging his personal quality, one cannot ignore
           in Malaysia, from January 1952 till his demise in August 2006,                    other factors that also played an important role in his success as
           have contributed so much to Malaysian Buddhism that the Young                     a missionary. In this article, I would like to examine the external
           Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM), in the 1980s,  honored                   factors contributing to his successful missionary works.   These
           him as the  “Father of English Speaking Buddhists”  (The YBAM                     external factors are important for us to understand a historical event
           also honoured Ven. Chuk Mor as the “Father of Chinese Speaking                    in its right perspective.
           Buddhists”).  Although this honour was not bestowed in an official
           manner or through any kind of selection process but emerged in                        English as a Medium of Communication
           daily conversation, it is well accepted by the Buddhist community.

                                                                                                 Perhaps the single most important external factor in missionary
               His contribution had also prompted Leong Kok Hing, former                     work is the language medium.  Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda arrived
           President of YBAM, to write  an article in 1986  (the same article                in Malaysia at a time when the country was still under British rule.
           is reprinted in the Voice of Buddhism, Vol. 42, April 2007) listing               English was then the medium of instruction in most schools, as
           down nine major areas of contribution of Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda.                 well as in colleges. English was therefore popularly spoken and

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