Page 117 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 117

Medicinal plants (PG 101)                                        Level 1                              Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD

                                                  Training questions

              A-Complete the following statements: -

                 •  The starch granules acquire ------------------- color in aqueous iodine solution.

                 •  ---------------------- is commonly interpreted as a thick-walled kind of parenchyma
                     structurally specialized as a supporting tissue.
                 •  ------------------- crystals are formed of aggregated prisms frequently radiating from

                     a central point.
                 •  --------------------- give a red color with phloroglucinol and conc. HCl.

                 •  ---------------------- tissue is the system forming the outer protective covering of the
                 •  Each stoma consists of two similar cells, called  ------------------, parallel to one

                     another and enclosing between them a small lenticular or oval space called -------

                 •  The conducting tissues of the plant are ------------- and --------------.
                 •  Cystolith is composed mainly of ------------------------.
                 •  -------------------- trichome is a branched non-glandular trichome, having uniseriate

                     axis from which arise numerous unicellular branches of hairs; several being at
                     each point.

                 •  The plant cell possesses an outer protective covering called --------.
                 •  Protoxylem consists of -------------- and ------------------ vessels.
                 •  Proteins are stored in plants as ---------------- grains while carbohydrates as --------

                     ------------ grains.
                 •  The stoma which is usually surrounded by three sometimes more subsidiary cells
                     one of which is distinctly smaller than the others, is called --------------------

                 •  In roots, the vascular bundles are of the ---------------- type while in stems, they are
                     of the ----------------- type.

                 •  In  ------------------  collenchymas,  the  thickening  material  is  deposited  on  the
                     tangential walls.
                 •  ------------------- is a carbohydrate used as a building material in the formation of

                     cell wall.
                 •  A hypothetical plant cell has three distinct regions --------------------, ----------------
                     and -------------------.

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