Page 43 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 43
Dic Medicinal plants (PG 101) Level 1 Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD
➢ Epidermal cells characters
▪ The epidermal cells are living.
▪ They are isodiametric cells in dicot. Leaves
▪ Elongated in monocot. Leaves.
▪ The external epidermal wall may be differentiated into three layers:
1- The innermost made of pure cellulose.
2- A middle cutinized layer, made of a mixture of cellulose and cutin (a fatty material).
3- An outermost layer having the highest percentage of cutin and known as cuticle. The
cutin is impermeable to water and gases, and so the cuticle controls the water loss from
the underlying cells.