Page 30 - Practical handout Lev 1-Pharm D- 2024-2025-with spec
P. 30

Pharm D                                                Level 1                                            Medicinal plants (PG 101)

                                                      A- Stomata  روغثلا

            It's composed of opening known as Osteol enclosed by guard cells which may be :
            a- Two kidney shaped cells    → as in dicot plants.

            b- Two dumble shaped cells →  as in monocot plants.
                - These guard cells are enclosed by subsidiary cells (accessory cells).

            Function of Stomata :- Water and gas exchange

                                                   Types of Stomata

                 1- Monocot                                      2- Dicot stomata
                     Stomata           Diacytic           Paracytic  Anomocytic                 Anisocytic

                                       Stomata:            Stomata           Stomata              Stomata
              It has guard cells  In which the           In which two  It has more           It has more than
              with dumble          subsidiary cells      subsidiary        than two          two subsidiary

              shape , with         are two cells and  cell arranged        subsidiary        cells but contains
              elongated            arranged              parallel to the  cells that have  one cell smaller
              epidermal            perpendicular to  access of the         the same size.  than other
              cells                access of the         guard                               subsidiary cells.
                                   guard cells.

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