Page 145 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 145

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

                  3.Flower                               Spike inflorescence.                                                           Minute ovary enveloped by a
                                                                                                                                        membranous perianth termed

                  4.Fruit      Inflated capsule.                                                             Capsule (small pyxis)
                               (Porous capsule)
                  Microscopical   - Dorsiventral         Dorsiventral            Dorsiventral with double    Isobilateral with a single   Dorsiventral
                    Character   containing rod-shaped crystals  The epidermal: showing   layered palisade cells.   palisade layer Anisocytic   With unbranched laticeferous
                               of fat.                   few diacytic stomata                                stomata. Glandular trichomes:   vessels in the phloem
                               - Midrib has a central large                                                  branched, non- branched and   CaCO3 (cystolith)
                               collateral vascular bundle,                                                   clavate.                   In upper surface.
                               which shows laticiferous                                                      Bicollateral V.B
                               vessels in the phloem.
                  2.Stem       - Angular, winged in outline.   Square in outline.    Square in T.S.          Epidermis: less trichomes and
                               - Epidermis anomocytic    Epidermis: diacytic     Epidermis labiaceous        stomata.
                               stomata and numerous      stomata and scattered   trichomes.                  The Cortex with collenchyma
                               trichomes.                trichomes.              Cortex: collenchyma Pericycle:   Pericycle: fibers,
                               -Cortex: chlorenchyma,    Cortex: parenchymatous   consists of groups of lignified   Central pith
                               (collenchyma is present in   with four patches of   fibers.
                               wing region)              collenchyma in the ridges.
                               -Endodermis               Endodermis
                               -Pericycle                Pericycle
                               -Pith: hollow             Pith: (lignified).

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